
Joe Mullings on LinkedIn: “Quiet quitting” is yet another term created by the internet


Me being radicalized into anarchism at my warehouse job


CEO tried to relate to underpaid hourly workers

He made $7.74M last year. This year the company hasn't performing as well, and they laid off people a few weeks ago. Today in a meeting, the CEO said that he would also have to take a pay cut if the company keeps underperforming. I make $40K a year. Excuse me if I'm not sympathetic toward him maybe losing a million or so dollars this year.


How can I give my company a taste of their own medicine?

Hello all, I would like to hear peoples opinions/suggestions in regards to my situation. I was hired by a military company in Ontario, Canada as a Mechanical Designer to create/update 3D models and drawings for parts and assemblies. They told me my probation period is 3 months which completes today. During my first week, my supervisor asked me if I had FEA experience, which for those that don't know what it is basically simulates different case scenarios to see when and where parts/assemblies fail. This obviously requires a certain degree of skill and knowledge, to the point where I am the only designer out of 9 engineers that is capable of doing it correctly. I told my supervisor I had previously done this on my previous company so I have been the “to go” designer for FEA studies since then. My thinking was to “show off” my skills for the…


‘Quiet Quitting’ reaches BBC news


Today’s The Day! I’m Finally Escaping This Dumpster Fire!

This is more of a rant than anything. I can't thank you enough to everybody who has offered advice and support to my past posts and comments about this job. I didn't give them any notice leading up to this because they dont deserve courtesy. They didn't give any of my coworkers a heads up before firing them, so why should I be expected to act any better? So many people with severe health problems have been fired due to time missed. They were all good hardworking people who were dealt a bad hand but stayed loyal to the company regardless. And the people who are still there? Pizza parties. It really feels like pizza is the only line of communication management has with us anymore. They used to show up to thank us but that stopped a long time ago. The moral here has never been lower and we…


No caption necessary.


my day.

Nepotism got my supervisor hired at my now old job. His entitlement in this capacity got me fired. I just left but not before telling hr that him and his friends purposely packed product that wasn't up to standards for shipping. Which is true Now they have to tear apart over 100 boxes a) to check on principle and b) to retrieve the inked product that was going to a large client. Ship time is in an hour. I have an interview Tuesday with a company that pays 25% more hourly for less stress. I'm gonna smoke a bowl and take a nap. I hope you all are having a great lazy day.


What a policy


“work this”voluntary” overtime or go to jail”