Month: August 2022
How to stop tipping culture in America?
If everyone stopped tipping workers, all workers would quit for not being payed enough. Restaurant's would need to either make the base pay larger or shut down. In short term people will suffer by not getting payed. In long term minimum wage for tipped workers will increase, if not by law then by restaurants themselves.
Since when is it my responsibility to ensure that businesses in the city survive off of my hard earned money? Nowhere in my job duties does it state that I need to keep downtown and its businesses alive. Might as well just take a chunk out of my paycheck and give it to the downtown parking lots and businesses and let me continue being remote.
Exercising After Work is Irresponsible
Every time i mention going to the gym or doing anything physically demanding i am told i am being irresponsible by my boss. He says that if i have enough energy to exercise after work than i didn’t work hard enough that day. I’m an elevator constructor.
Don’t call it quiet quitting
The downward spiral of capitalism
I caused a strike/walkout by accident
I walked to Starbucks after going grocery shopping and set my shopping bags down too hard. I accidentally cracked a bottle of really smelly vinegar… or cheese… or can of fermented fish (surströmming) and the entire store cleared out. The entire work staff walked out at the same time. The best part is that all of the patrons joined the workers in solidarity! I hope corporate doesn’t hear about this new ability to create a workers strike at the drop of a hat…
If a name was on a list they get all protections under the law taken away. And anyone that kills them gets 20-30% of there wealth. With the rest going to the state. Would this be a good way to prevent wealth inequality? What is your opinion on it?