Month: August 2022
Not really sure if it’s appropriate for here, but I figure it’s a good place to discuss. I recently accepted a job offer for 11K more. I’d be going from 63K to 74K WFH as a nurse case manager. However, I found out the metrics might be more tight than my current job and I’d be talking to patients (I don’t currently do that now, only hospital staff to review medical necessity for hospitals). My current job is 8-5 and relatively low stress besides the pay and benefits. I do have to work holidays, but it’s rotating and I mind slightly less since I’m WFH. With the new job, I would have no holidays and work 9-530 but it could be later start and end times depending on time zone of my patients. I am considering going back on the offer I accepted because despite the benefits and higher pay,…
Is There Anything I Can Do Legally?
My employer is forcing people back into the office, but isn’t requiring Covid vaccines, masks or social distancing. We have employees traveling between offices in New York and Atlanta, some of whom I know work closely with unvaxxed colleagues. Is there anything I can do to protect myself from getting fired if I refuse to go in due to the lack of safety protocols?
got sent home for not doing anything
so i work at fast food and was supposed to be done at 9 pm, but by 8ish we had nothing to do, so my manager told another coworker to do a task but not me, so i talked to my coworker while she was doing that and my manager made me go home early because “i wasn’t doing anything” can i still get my pay for the last 15 minutes? she’s a manager so she’s supposed to delegate so i don’t know why she was acting that way. im not a part of any union because the union that people at my work are a part of sucks
Stagnate wages
Is it not insulting when you see companies post “tips” on how to survive instead of providing living wages.
Burnt out? Work harder!
Pretty much summed up in the title. Those who know me are aware of my fondness for fandom conventions and cosplay – I've even participated in promoting, organizing, running, and when necessary running around trying to unfukc the fukcups of others. I attended a show in SW Ontario summer 2009 for a particular fandom that was having a feature film debut about it, and to my surprise executives from the company behind it were in attendance. I was there dressed as one of my favourite characters and both the main event organizer and studio exec took notice and liked my stuff. I had a good time, got home after and went on with my usual stuff. About a week later the main event organizer finds me online and informed me that the exec wants to talk to me about something nifty. We get in contact and I'm asked to wear…