
I am looking for a particular news article from a few years ago

It was some big shot banker in I think NY bitching how his 300k salary isn’t enough, because after he spends it, he has no money left! It have tried to google particular sequences of that phrase and have come up empty handed. Does anyone know the one I am talking about?


Should I just get up and quit?

Ok Reddit, can you help me solve a dilemma I’m having. Should I quit asap or should I wait until I have secured a new position elsewhere? The company I work for has gone down the toilet over the past six months. I work in a small office of about 80 people with a call handling side and an administration side. When I started the two roles were separated with very specific job titles and now senior managers want to merge the two sides. Not only do they expect me to do the work that I am currently doing, but they also expect me to take calls as well. The reason for this is because we lost about 30 people over the summer and they have failed to recruit the necessary replacements. If I was sat there twiddling my thumbs, looking for work to do or browsing online all day…


URGENT: do I have grounds to dispute a request for a refund?


I got laid off while I was on short term disability, ever happen to anyone else?

This was several years ago. On short term disability for a non work related injury. I was let go 6 days before returning. The reason was something along the line of my position being eliminated. In an at will state. So perfectly legal I guess. Just wanted to say too many people here have the answer of “get a lawyer!” “Sue!” For perfectly legal reasons to be let go. Typically employers aren’t dumb enough to say someone was fired for being disabled or for being X color. That could be the reason they want them gone, but all they have to do is just give a legal reason Actually, doesn’t at will mean that even no reason needs to be given to be let go? Just like how someone can quit with no notice any time


My open plan office is becoming more open as “change is essential”

My entire company received an e-mail last week. Following an all hands meeting where an “inspirational” speaker was extolling the virtue of “learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable” in your job we received this absolute gem. They started with saying it's time to MOVE and that “change is essential”. We currently have an open office plan. Some desks are separated by some space, other desks are connected to each other. I had the absolute luck to sit next to only one coworker (with space between our desks) and with my back to a window. In a week I have to move to the middle of three connected desks with my manager at my back at another connected desk and I absolutely hate the thought. I've always disliked having my back open to anyone, and being in the middle of three desks is nightmare to me (also three desks straight…


Fifa Career mode is very realistic this year…


I got fired this morning.

Been working at one of the big UK supermarkets since the start of august stacking shelves at night. They originally advertised part time 1 or 2 shift contracts which was perfect for me as i was just about to start college. The contract was until January but kept hearing that everyone would be kept on past that they just always advertise as as temporary contracts at first. They fired 6 of us at 5am, all students. Their reasoning; We arent flexible enough. We are difficult to show new things to and learn quickly and become faster at the job because we arent in enough, but were happy to advertise and give out the hours in the first place. They are now overstaffed and paying out too many wages even though they cant get everything done in one night because there arent enough people. They are still actively hiring, and said…


It’s a true story. There is a huge backlash going on right now.


I can’t work out if this is a joke?

I never post here, but Jesus I have to share this little gem. Just checked my work emails and received this from my manager 5 minutes after I left the office. I honestly can’t work out if she’s having me on…


i’m already so burnt out

i’ve been working while attending college this semester and my mental and emotional fortitude have already always been… not great. but now, money wise, things went from bad last year to terrible this year. i already am scared of the idea of having to do this the rest of my life. the idea of having to work is fucking scary because i never know when my back is gonna go out or if i’m just gonna snap. my health was really terrible in 2021 but i was getting unemployment every week and holy FUCK did it help my mental health. i never had to worry about over drafting or if i was going to have to miss paying my bills. i wasn’t in credit card debt because i didn’t need credit cards. i work at a pet store retailer and they fall into the same corporate bull shit of changing…