
Three tribesmen sentenced to death for refusing to be evicted to make way for Saudi £450billion Neom


The commoners at my hotel can’t sit down. The GM sits down all day. She put this on the chair we sit in when we aren’t busy. She expects us to stand all day.


I was named “Employee of the Quarter” for working a stupid amount of unpaid overtime and got a $75 bonus for the effort. Don’t work for free.

Feeling pretty dumb about this “honor”. Boss made a big deal at the staff meeting about how I was “setting the example” by working an insane amount of (unpaid) billable hours each week, and how I embody the “values of family, hard work, and enthusiasm” at the company. All corporate rhetoric buzz words that mean nothing, so it was all I could do not to roll my eyes or smirk or laugh out loud at his empty words of praise. I was “employee of the quarter” because I'm an idiot. Literal hundreds of hours of free work over the past quarter and I didn't get a raise or a promotion, I got a $75 “bonus”. I had hoped I would get the raise I deserve by putting in these unnecessary extra hours, but I just feel like a clown now. Learn from my needless zealousness and work the hours that…


Today is my last day at work, and my boss refused to acknowledge that I gave my notice.

Two weeks ago today, I put in my two week notice for my job. My boss was on vacation and didn't send a follow up to my email detailing my resignation despite forwarding the email to several people within the company so they could prepare for my departure. Enter three days later when they responded saying that we would talk the following work day. Today is my last day, and my boss has still refused to acknowledge to me that I am leaving. Every time we would pass each other in the workplace, they would dodge me as quickly as possible and refuse to make eye contact, let alone say a word. Not one word. Not one, “thank you for three years of service”. Am I bitter about it? Sure, but it does reaffirm that the choice I made to leave this company was the right one. On to better…


working for Amazon (satire)


Am I wrong for expecting a guideline for my job?

I work in sales as a customer service agent, and have, of course, a document with my job description, the kind of work I'm supposed to do. However, this is pretty much the only resource I have for my position. All of my training was verbal and consisted of just learning how to process a basic customer order on our software, and I was told that I would just have to ask questions as they arise to learn more. I get this line of thinking, there are just too many scenarios I will run into and I have no problem asking for help, but a lot of times the answers I get are very vague, contradict what others have told me, or are even wrong. I also don't know what I don't know, so a lot of times I won't even realize I've done something wrong until someone from another…


Pre-Employment Assessment BS

Just applied to job as an Implementation Specialist. Nothing fancy or anything, but something I'm qualified for. Received this email in response: “Thank you for your interest in the Implementation Specialist position! Congratulations on moving to the next step in the process. We believe in identifying a strong fit between our company and our employees and supporting a culture of creative problem solving and innovation. To that extent, we’d like to ask you to complete a series of assessments that focus on aptitude and personality. We take these assessments seriously and ask that you do the same.  To best prepare, try to eliminate any distractions and have a pencil and paper ready. Part of the assessment is timed and cannot be paused, and you must complete all portions in one sitting. No use of a calculator or any outside sources are allowed. The estimated completion time is 30 minutes. For the aptitude…


i quit messages

Gonna rant for a sec, but you can skip to the end. I'm right about to quit this shit job, working at most fast food joints would be a paybump. The owner is honestly a slumlord and literally rents out houses and shit as well, i already see the living conditions of the places that get a lot of public inspections and it is not good. Like the ceiling slowly falling off from water damage and constantly having to remove pieces of it from ppls rooms. Like keeping ppl that need higher levels of care around as long as possible to get the most money. Horrid pt to aid and nurse ratios. Ontop of the scarcity of gloves when handling ppl with infectious diseases. I had to basically have vinyl mittens instead, because they refused to keep gloves in my size stocked because it costs an extra few cents for…


Assessment Day

Planning for the worst, expecting little more. Last time they denied my skills increase based on the fact that I don't talk often and that I wasn't trained in things I hadn't been trained on yet.


My boss gave me another persons workload

I recently missed 3 weeks of work due to a major surgery. All was well and my boss was very understanding. On my first day back my boss and my one other coworker were very relieved because they said it was crazy hectic taking on my massive workload and they hope I don’t even have to miss again. 1 day later I’m called into a meeting and was told I will now be responsible for literally half of my coworkers workload on top of mine because she was so stressed while I was out and couldn’t handle it. I was shocked and didn’t know what to say so I stupidly agreed to it. Now I’m so overwhelmed I cry at my desk almost everyday. My boss does nothing but scrolls Facebook all day. Literally. I am seriously considering quitting after being here for almost 6 years. This doesn’t even make…