
so my boss told me and my coworker today we need to park our cars somewhere else.

We both drive an older car, apparently it doesn't live up to the standards of the company we work for. It would be better because there will be room for our customers and it would also look better to our customers because there would only be “nice looking cars” in our parking lot.


Being made to pay the government for some good ol’ work experience

So, I'm in uni. In my placement year. My uni told me at the start of last year that, due ti covid, placements were no longer mandatory for my course. Skip forward to April of this year and I get an email saying that the uni is concerned because they haven't heard anything from me regarding placement applications. Turns out they did a complete 180 and made placements mandatory again, only deciding to tell me once all the good, paid ones, wete gone. Skip forward to today, I had an interview for a shitty lobbying company in the middle of London who want to pay me nothing and expect me to work 40 hours a week, despite the fact that only less than 10 people work for the company, one of the people who interviewed me is leaving in like 3 months and the guy who wants to hire me,…


the comments are pissing me off so bad…. american individualism at its finest


I’m turning 30 and realized there is nothing to look forward too.

All I want is to be financially stable, with the ability to save an emergency fund, vacation fund, and afford a mortgage. Instead I got tricked into thinking getting a degree would allow me to find a job that pays well enough for the goals I want and complaining about it on Reddit.


Was ‘awarded’ a 5% merit increase. Just pushed back for 15%. Wish me luck!


Kroger CEO


The worst punishment that God has given not only for Adam but also for Eve


You know it’s bad when you miss your old toxic workplace

So i (19F) worked as a bank teller for a year. it was glorious. i got paid sick and vacation days, good pay, and i got to SIT DOWN. it was a good mix of sitting and walking, so my feet seldom hurt unless we were super busy one day. problem is, my coworkers were all quite a bit older than me (30's-40's) and always wanted to start petty drama like a bunch of fucking middle schoolers. they would make me cry and thought yelling at me and threatening me with termination would motivate me and no matter how hard i worked they almost always found a reason to complain. i tried my honest best, but i'm also in school and it became too much to handle, so i quit for a resturant job it gives me the flexibilty i need for school, even if i have to fucking beg…



A little over a year ago I moved jobs to work for a boss I'd worked for before – she was offering a raise, interesting work and a new company. Great, I think – I needed a change and could do with the money. Fast forward to June this year. I'd had a bit of a wobble (wife had a miscarriage, I'd had a couple of tough meetings that I was struggling to manage, let a couple of things slip) and my boss “out of concern” essentially forced me into taking medical leave. I have been open with her that I have had previous MH issues. Anyway, 3 weeks later, I return to work and I get told I have made multiple mistakes, and that I've failed to do what is expected. Up until the end of my probation period I'd had nothing but positive feedback. I mean, nothing. Anyway.…


“The conservative justices will hear a case that might pave the way for companies to pursue claims against unions over work stoppages.”