
Let go after 1.5 years as their most senior employee with no notice.

I’m not really surprised. There’s not just been signs, but lots of patterns. I’m disappointed. Feeling disrespected. Angry. But not shocked. I gave everything I had, worked with integrity and professionalism, and I can walk away with my head held high. But I was let go 16 hours ago (3 hours into my shift) and I am still seething at how it happened. And the excuse given of “it’s because of this one employee who sent this one email the other day” is clearly a cover for a larger issue, there’s too many things not adding up. It seems it was just easier to close down than fix the existing, ongoing issues. But.. they needed me a LOT more than I needed that job, much as I enjoyed it. I’ll be fine, I’ve already landed on my feet. Life moves on, change is inevitable, insert your favorite idiom for “keep…


Why the need for constant change?

So I've been working in corporate settings (software dev.) For about a decade now. And for the life of me I cannot understand why people don't like stability in processes, communication lines, accountability, responsibilities, etc. Something always needs to change , to be in flux for these people. Examples I've witnessed: testing department is transferred from one project to the other (2.5 year behind, they needed the help). So the CPO (chief product owner) wants to get rid of a part of the WP (work package). Which needs a new manager to manage this transition. Who needs their own WP, but that needs transfer of budget. Which the WPM (work package manager) doesn't approve. Meaning cross department alignment on responsibilities need to take place. After which accountabilities are changed. This was just in the last 2 weeks. It just never stops. What do these people do all day if they…


My hospital superintendent has gone senile.

TLDR Hospital superintendent wants junior doctors who do majority of the work in ER to stop ordering tests and stop treating patients. We are suppose to call for for Senior Residents, and wait. We asked for it in writing, he takes his decision back. I work as a Junior Resident {J.R} at a public hospital in India. This was one of the only large and somewhat decently equipped public hospital in the area. Next such hospital was at least 60-70 km away. We get a lot of cases in ER. We junior residents are supposed to triage and as well as do the initital treatment of the patients. We do have senior residents {SR} but most of the time they are not present in the ER room. It can take from 5 to 20 minutes for them to arrive when called, depending on where in the hospital they are, and…


At what stage in your life did you realise that work and career were no longer a priority?

In my adolescence I was convinced by society that if I worked and studied hard I would be rewarded with an amazing career and be fully satisfied with life. I went through the educational process and got an undergraduate degree (zoology). Discovered I couldn’t get a job with that and went for a masters degree (couldn’t get a job), so carried on through to PhD. Finally got a job but only lasted 3 years. Being two full time working parents was hell and the cost of daycare pretty much negated my salary anyway. I realised my time was better spent raising my four children. I admit to be fortunate that my wife earns enough to allow me to do so. I am in my mid 30s and no longer care about a career any more and am happy to coast through and devote my time and energy to my family.


I feel I must clarify some things after my last post about wondering why people don’t take time off for their health

First off I do apologize. I can see how some may think my post was “corporate like” or “pro work”. I do apologize that wasn't my intention. Second I appreciate those explaining why people decide to still go into work feeling like shit. From my understanding it seems companies have gotten rid of or don't even offer paid sick time off. Which that alone is awful and needs to be more addressed. I know I wouldn't want to use my own personal PTO time off to just stay in bed all day. I just remember my last job had sick time off as well as PTO. My current job just has PTO and I haven't been sick yet to miss some time knock on wood. So yeah I just wanted to clarify on things. It seemed I confused a lot of people into thinking I was corporate or what not.…


Sorry to vent but I’m so fucking exhausted with the way I’m being treated for $16/Hour


My husband was laid off without warning today

Just like the title says. He loved his job and who he worked with. He got great reviews (4.3/5 avg) and he was well liked. So it’s easy to say this was a shock He started his day like normal and then he got a meeting invite from HR and a manager. We convinced ourselves they were giving him a promotion. Nope. They laid him off due to it being a “business decision”. Come to find out, no one knew these layoffs were happening, not even the managers. It was chaos; everyone was scared for their jobs all day. My husband even fought for his job back based on merit but the decision was made by a higher up who couldn’t care less. Can I also add the company is not hurting for money This sucks for so many reasons: We just bought a house and interest rates are crazy…


Core Values! “Be Selfless”

Found this on indeed, companies really just don't give a fuck anymore. First required core value for a highly underpaid position “Be Selfless.” Aka work for shit pay, continuesly and any mistake or grievance communicated = we'll berate you for it! Curious what others think, is that insane to put on the job posting lmao. Did not apply.


Boss/manager shows his true colors when firing me.

I lost my full time job a couple months ago and my room in a house shortly after. So I'm living in my car looking for any job I can get. I apply for a barback position. I meet up with the manager hours before the bar was open, so it was just him and I. I made the mistake of being honest and telling him I have no restaurant experience but lots of service industry experiences from selling cars for five years before the pandemic. I talk him into giving me a chance and he tells me not to tell ANYONE I have zero restaurant experience, so I don't. On my first shift he blatantly tells one of the bartenders about my lack of experience right in front of me. Oh well I thought. Shifts were going well. I was absolutely busting my ass as I was responsible for…


Beware “advice” that isn’t actually advice

Learn to code boyo, it's that simple, the tech job market will always be good bucko 😉 Just learn a trade buddy, everyone in trade (I mean the right trade of course ) makes lots of bank, and also your body won't crack in about 20 to 30 years before you even get to retire! Man you gotta hustle, work a couple extra jobs, work on your goals man do etc, etc at infinitum These posts, I see them on reddit a lot these days, so bizarre. I call them anti-advice, that is, advice that's designed to do the exact opposite of what advice is meant to do, which is actually help you. Let me explain. Let's say you talk about your experiences throughout your working history, you read the latest news headlines, you see everyone you know struggling to find a job, you know you may be struggling just…