
Adventures in a horrible MSP

MSP stands for mostly shitty place, or managed service provider, it's it outsourcing for bad companies to pay 1/3 of a workers salary to get someone to keep the lights on in their it infrastructure. Since I started in September I've dealt with the following behaviors. Lack of respect for personal belongings – I'm demanded to use my personal cell phone for company business. Lack of respect for time – I'm salary exempt but only for the reason of the employer not paying overtime (I do 100% repair / maintenance work I do not meet the duties test at all). When we have lunch and learns (a company meeting) we lose our ability to leave the office for lunch. These happen twice a month. See 5. Crushingly toxic management behavior – I have a person in charge (“president” of a 10 employee company below a CEO) who provides constant negative…

MSP stands for mostly shitty place, or managed service provider, it's it outsourcing for bad companies to pay 1/3 of a workers salary to get someone to keep the lights on in their it infrastructure.

Since I started in September I've dealt with the following behaviors.

  1. Lack of respect for personal belongings – I'm demanded to use my personal cell phone for company business.

  2. Lack of respect for time – I'm salary exempt but only for the reason of the employer not paying overtime (I do 100% repair / maintenance work I do not meet the duties test at all). When we have lunch and learns (a company meeting) we lose our ability to leave the office for lunch. These happen twice a month. See 5.

  3. Crushingly toxic management behavior – I have a person in charge (“president” of a 10 employee company below a CEO) who provides constant negative micromanaging, no positive feedback and is known to snap in an instant if someone does something he doesn't like.

  4. Physical ails – I've developed an ulcer in 2 months and my blood pressure is spiking during work hours. I'm fit and work out 5 days a week but I can't keep my body together. I've been breaking down mentally.

  5. Expectations of after hours deeply technical work without comp time – expectations to deploy servers and do technical maintenance on weekends without comp time turning 50 hour weeks into 70 hour weeks.

Now here's the good news. They don't know that they have an anarchist in their midst. You see I've been secretly planning my departure for the last month and I'm 2 interviews deep at 3 companies waiting for an offer. I expect I might get a call before Saturday.

I'm waiting to drop the hammer on them. I'll not do anything bad in the perspective of negatively impacting their workflow I'm simply going to stop showing up and take away 30% of their output capacity.

FA,FO. Bad employers deserve horrible outcomes.

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