
Tech industry needs to strike

I am sick and tired of seeing all of these companies demanding people RTO after they laid off thousands of their employees THIS YEAR! It’s not even financially wise to live in the big cities to work on-site given cost of living, nor is it worth the risk of signing a lease on an apartment when you can’t guarantee employment. They broke a level of trust I don’t think they fully understand. I do not TRUST the field I’ve dedicated working in to ensure I can simply survive. It’s been 14 months since I’ve found a job, and at this point I’m ready to just go back to working retail and being poor again. I worked my ass off for nearly a decade and now have nothing to show for it. Strike! I’ll gladly join the line even though I’m not employed.


Need to give in resignation. How should I do it?

One of my parents is about to be incarcerated for a nonviolent crime, and my other parent will lose that income. I currently live halfway across the country from where they are and now need to move closer to financially, mentally and physically support my other parent. I already found a job but what do I say/how much should I say to my employer?


Management guilting staff for spills and accidental food wastage

As of the end of July of this year, the workplace has started posting monthly “Stat Updates”. These stat updates include how much money management is spending on curtain products frequently wasted by staff. Sounds reasonable but it isn’t really a big deal at all, as not much is ever actually wasted. However whenever they post the top wasted products there is always a jab at the workers that handle these food produces (example, chicken nuggets in kitchen are a big one. The kitchen is small and in peak rush a few get dropped). In these posts, management always say in response to these what staff need to do to stop this from happening and “don’t be so clumsy”, but never give a detailed description to properly stop it from happening. Since starting these monthly stat update posts they’ve been paying more and more for stock and product. in response…


Have to use PTO for holidays?

Just graduated college and got a job at a small consulting firm. Was planning a trip for Thanksgiving weekend when I realised their holiday policy. Basically, no holidays, they would either have to be taken from my PTO, I would have to work that day, or I would have to compensate those hours before or after. I find this kind of crazy. I’m also regretting accepting this job even though I really needed it. Same with sick days, it’s either I use my vacation days or I work. What do you all think? Is this normal or is this insane?


Just got a letter that im being let go from my job

I have had complicated mental health issues (some caused by work) for a while now and i sadly had to go on sick leave for longer than expected. Since it was my first job ever i always tried my best to perform well but company really never noticed or appreciated that. I guess lesson learned. Part in the letter where they said that they tried to find other positions for me and they had hard time making this decision made me want to puke to be honest. They are constantly looking for new people and even encourage people to grow and try other positions so you could find the right one. My time there anywhere i tried to candidate i got either denied (not even an interview) or they just played with my feelings. Thanks to anyone who bothered to read i had to get this out of my system.…


Career Advice for an industry tax analyst

Hello everybody, I am the senior tax analyst in my company who knows the ins and out of the entire department. I was just informed today that the tax manager is leaving, and his last day is 11/10/23. He is leaving because the interim ceo who is the former vp of finance here is a real jerk and does not treat him properly. Also the company would not match his offer. He got a 28k pay raise, title of VP, and found out he was the lowest paid manager in the company by at least 7-10k. My former tax manager will have a meeting with the interim ceo/former vp of finance to recommend me for promotion, as I am the most qualified currently. What my tax manager said to me during my meeting with him is that the ceo could also hire somebody, and not treat you correctly as well.…


Called off my shift today and I feel amazing about it

I’ve never called out until I’m super sick, and once when my boyfriend’s mom died and I’ve worked at this restaurant for 5 years. Two families own it, and one is relinquishing their ownership January 1st and the other family will have sole ownership. They’re gradually transitioning now and it’s been a NIGHTMARE. So chaotic because the family that is taking full ownership hasn’t been heavily involved for years. I was scheduled to work Halloween this evening with the family that’s staying’s son. It would have been just the two of us serving, no bartenders or bussers or hosts. He sends me a text 2 and a half hours before his shift saying he’s not coming in to “save money on payroll since it’s Halloween and we will be slow.” 10/10 he wanted to go party lol. Reached out for help but everyone else understandably had plans. I called the…


Non profits are garbage.

I've always been thankful to be able to work in a school after not being able to major in education in college. I was lucky enough to be recommended a job working for a non profit based in a high school (I already had some time working in school under my belt), and I happily took it. Like an idiot, I didn't even notice the bullshit while it was happening when I first started. But now that I'm 5 years in, I have no choice but to confront the bullshit. You'd think after my job got rid of overtime and replaced it with 'flex hours' (which you can barely use because you feel guilty taking days off) or dealing with teachers that only see you as a break in their classroom and don't even try to control their classes (no hate to teachers but my god.), it's all become too…


Don’t know if this belongs HERE…

But it hit me today. I have worked at several jobs over the last 40 odd years. My memory is filled with what number stock paper uses nail adhesive, the passcode for a forklift that I used to drive, where Jon boats are stored, and the scac and DOT numbers for dozens of trucking companies. But I can't remember what my mother's voice sounded like anymore.