
A coworker keeps stealing my stuff at work

A couple months ago, I had left a Pyrex glass bowl in my work fridge, and accidentally forgot about it before I left work for the day. Next day I come in, I the glass bowl is gone, nobody knows what happened to it. Whatever. Then 2 days later after asking about it non stop, it randomly shows up, all washed and cleaned out when my lunch was in it. So not only did someone take my food, they brought it home and washed it in hopes of maybe stealing it. Fast forward to yesterday, I bring in lunch again and forget to take it home with me that day. Now today I come in, and the metal knife that I brought in from home that was in the same bag as my lunch is gone. The metal fork that was in the bag is still there, but the knife…


Employers asked me to quit my second job due to conflict of interest

I work 2 sales jobs that are in the same industry but vary significantly regarding price range (it’d be similar to working car sales for Ford and Mercedes). My newer employer has told me they want me to stop working shifts at my old job (they are in close proximity so they found out), and I’m not sure how to proceed with this situation. It’s really sucky coz I don’t believe there’s a conflict and I need the money.


Adventures in a horrible MSP

MSP stands for mostly shitty place, or managed service provider, it's it outsourcing for bad companies to pay 1/3 of a workers salary to get someone to keep the lights on in their it infrastructure. Since I started in September I've dealt with the following behaviors. Lack of respect for personal belongings – I'm demanded to use my personal cell phone for company business. Lack of respect for time – I'm salary exempt but only for the reason of the employer not paying overtime (I do 100% repair / maintenance work I do not meet the duties test at all). When we have lunch and learns (a company meeting) we lose our ability to leave the office for lunch. These happen twice a month. See 5. Crushingly toxic management behavior – I have a person in charge (“president” of a 10 employee company below a CEO) who provides constant negative…


I’m in a toxic workplace but I don’t know if resignation is the best thing

I don't want to continue working here, I think I'm well aware that this place is toxic and back when I had other exams and stuff they made sure to make my life hell, now that my exams and everything has passed – they are super sweet and everything is going pretty chill for last 5 days. But I already burned enough bridges to know that I won't grow here much. Now I wish to know shall I leave this orgn cause it has a notice period of 2 months or look for a job first, clear and convert it and then put down my papers? Cause job market is kinda messed up and I don't want to be unemployed (even though I have no use of the money, I absolutely don't use it, it's peanuts anyways) Cause If I convert any interview I'll be asked to join sooner than…


“A new age of the worker will overturn conventional thinking” – yeah right! This incredible drivel from The Economist just shows how some good writers can become traitors just by spitting on others…


Recruiter Meeting this week. Any tips?

I have already stated I want a salary of £35,000pa to keep up with cost of living and I wouldn't switch jobs for less than £32,000pa. She suggested that if the job offers training I should switch for circa £28-29,000 which already pissed me off lol. But I've never met witb a recruiter before so looking for advice. This was only over a phone convo but looking for negotiation tips when I meet her in person. Thanks!


Fired after giving two week notice

Hey all, So this just happened to me an hour ago. Less than 2 weeks ago I handed in my 2 week notice. I work at a company that makes car parts and we work 10 hours shifts with two 10 min breaks and a measley 20 min lunch. We are also not supposed to leave the property while we are on break. I had been warned a few times that I was caught taking longer breaks than they allow and was sent home early last week for doing so (this was after I had handed in my notice). There is a woman there how has absolutely had it in for me cause I don't seem to care about “changing my behavior” and I feel she had it in for me since it seemed she couldn't control me. Well tonight, while I was on my lunch in my car, they…


Aren’t managers ashamed of themselves?

A few years ago I was a manager at my company. That only lasted a year because managing other people turned out to be way more stressful than I had anticipated, but overall my company was a good place to work and I loved the managers in my department. I asked to the returned back to my old position and my company did it without hesitation. The culture in our department was completely different back then. Managers were kind respectful towards us, transparent, held themselves accountable and truly considered how their policies would impact the workers who must abide by them. In the last few years our management was replaced and everything’s all gone to shit since then, particularly in the last year. Our management structure has turned into an absolute dumpster fire. Hostile, incompetent, unprofessional, lying and tricking people into doing extra work, forcing us to start working weekends…


Multi Billion Dollar Ent. Corp Party

I have it on good authority that U had their holiday party. Christopher Nolan spoke for 5 minutes and split. D* L****** bragged about their RECORD PROFITS. Right after the strikes. Everyone got a lovely T-shirt made in Honduras… of the list of blockbuster movies that made them that sweet cash.


My wife lost her bonus because her colleague messed up

My wife works at a school in South Africa. Her and another colleague are the managers responsible for their branch. She handles the teacher's, classrooms, staff, maintenance and correspondence with the parents. Her boss also relies on her to put out metaphorical fires at other branches so she gets moved around a lot. Her colleague is responsible for the administration and bookkeeping. They've just had their performance reviews and audit. My wife sailed through her reviews with flying colours, but her colleague failed the audit. Now neither of them are getting a bonus. Is this ethical? Does she have any recourse? I don't think her bonus should be dependent on the performance of her colleague, especially given that her personal reviews were great.