
Quit my job ‼️

I liked my job 90% of time I stood on the tills middle management took a photo of me with another coworker pic: behind tills coworker sat on box and me on floor, both doing up laces reported for sitting down and not doing work aka laughing at mm bc we saw mm taking photos sat for 15 seconds to do laces sends picture when I sit aswell to do laces when problem is coworker on box for 5 mins manager posts pic in group chat manager calls and shouts down the phone manager comes into work calls into office lost £70 pay for that day + travel coworker had earlier shift and only lost £10 next day: asked manager if I can make it up bc I need money says no that’s your punishment realise my real punishment is working with mm again resign I have a right to…


sick again

a few weeks ago I call in sick because of the flu and now I maybe getting the cold. hope they don't think I am faking it to get time off.


It’s been a half a year and I still can’t find a job in my degree or field, even entry level

I can’t take this anymore. I was laid off and it’s been almost half a year with nothing but rejections. Today was the cherry on top. A job I wanted more than any job I’ve applied to or had an interview for. I had three interviews and the last one being 3 hours long and benefits were discussed even. I was battling one other person apparently but lacked the experience compared to them. I constantly feel like I’m never good enough no matter how hard I try. I’m losing money and will be forced to work a dead end job soon because I can’t even get an entry level job in my field. So much for bachelor’s even being enough anymore.


Why bosses like rude, know-it-all employees?

After so many years of working, I've noticed something in every business (retail, restaurants, hotels) that the type of employee who acts like a boss, rude, refusing to do specific things like clean is always being favorited and rarely gets in trouble. I work at this hotel A and one of the employees acts like he has some top position when he is just a server. Screams at others and acts that he is doing everything perfect and always calls his managers 'Yes sir.' being obedient. The second hotel I work at, there is a lady who hates everyone, never likes to say good morning and tries to micromanage as if she knows it all and what she does is perfect. She has gotten in arguments with other employees but nothing happens to her because I guess she is really good at her job. It seems if you are bright,…


Just joined this company for 1.5 months but my physical, emotional and mental health is declining + sarcastic manager

I don’t know if this post will be relevant here but I want to unload the burdens off my chest. I recently joined a big corporation. I like the environment and the people, until I met my official manager whom I will be working under. It was all good at the start but she postponed my orientation with her for 3 times until she have the time again (which, by then, it was my 1st official month working in their corporation). I had a lot to catch up on, and I was lost. I didn’t have a proper onboarding with the others who are supposed to teach me about my job and the job scope etc because they are always swarmed with their tasks. It’s my first full time job.. During that orientation FINALLY with my manager, she told me off really badly and scolded me rlly loudly + was…


Hi I’ve had enough

19f. Got a job at Costco 3 months ago. Today was my 90 day eval. Got brought into the back room, already having a miserable day so wasn’t looking forward to starting my shift. Basically got told I’m a very friendly person that is ‘eager to help’ but I am slow and don’t pay attention to detail and always look ‘confused’. Apparently I need to pick up the pace, which I’ve been trying to do, and at the moment I don’t fit in with the fast paced environment so I need to try harder. Since my 30 day eval I genuinely have been trying to be faster and stuff. The thing is, I have autism, so processing things is hard and I’m not just ‘playing dumb’ as my parents like to call it. Of course my work doesn’t know that because I wouldn’t have gotten hired in the first place.…


Got fired for… being sick?

Been working here for 18 months, teaching two classes once a week. Built this program from the ground up, created all of the lesson plans and ideas, and it was consistently filled up within the first week of open registration. I guess four sick days is just too much. Oh forgot to mention: classes were for 1.5 – 5 year olds, aka a very vulnerable group!


NGOs are about to go “Poof” again

Hi, I have never posted here, so I hope this is correct. This is a bit of a rant, but also an anecdote. Soooooo….many moons ago, I worked for a world famous charity as their project manager for a major fundraising campaign. The job was ACTUALLY a temp job, but the manager lied and said it was permanent. Long story short, I (obviously) found out, but not the way you might think. I found out because after raising a record amount, there was suddenly nothing for me to do. My boss ran from me like the plague whenever I asked what I should be doing. After 3 months of this, the 2008 crash caught up to us in 2009 and the ENTIRE OFFICE was just DISSOLVED. As in, we came to work one morning, and there was no work. That office closed permanently. I looked for jobs at several other…


Just quit yesterday, mixed feelings

Quit my job yesterday. I worked in the billing department of an elderly health-care related company. Severely understaffed. Corporate recently sold many of it's locations to other companies. Got a new boss a few months ago, and she never seemed willing to train to learn our job. Granted, we didn't have time to train her because we're so backed up on work, but when we scheduled her training, she sat through it then never applied it. Don't even think she's worked a full week in office since she was hired, months ago. Anyway, the new owners we dealt with are impossible nitpicking every little thing, not wanting to pay for anything, wanting to bill customers and credit them. For dollars. We'd send them monthly invoices and still be working through corrections by the time new bill cycle rolls around. And the daily work. We were given the option to work…


Denied Time Off Help

I was denied my time off, I put in my time off a month in advance. I will be on a trip to a different state. I tried to tell my boss this and he won't do anything. I can't cancel my trip. I literally will not be there, I can't be literally. And there's no coverage because people keep walking put. (I wonder why.) What do I do? I feel so helpless… How am I able to get out under this? My days are the 6th, the 7th, and the 8th…