
Just realized my employer is rounding my time down in their favor

How do I report this or make a wage theft claim? I'm about to leave for another job but that's 5 years of my time being rounded down in their favor. My last day is the 12th and I'm assuming I won't have access to my time card after that. Right now I only have access to the current and previous pay period I'm in WI if that helps


Boss wants to use a hidden pen camera to record employees for training purposes in role play situations…

This has to be illegal. Right??? Told him he should look into the legality of that, he told me I was thinking into it too much…


My firing story

So, last Tuesday I got called into a meeting with the president, and was simply told “we’re dismissing you for performance reasons at the end of June.” No warnings, write-ups, PIPs, major losses/scandals, complaints, nothing. I’d recently been able to achieve “fuck you” money, so I’d been thinking about when to pull the trigger and retire, but it still came as a bit of a surprise. I pretty much just shrugged, said “ok” and went back to my desk. Wednesday met with the finance manager, who said to talk with him Friday (5/31). Friday he said severance pay isn’t company policy, but they want me to use my remaining PTO during June (from Monday 6/3) and they’ll compensate me for the remainder (I had about 39 days). He also told me not to tell anyone. I said I had a task on Monday that needed to get done and there…


Boomer boss verbally abuses her staff everyday

Hello everyone, I (23f) recently started an apprenticeship as an animal caretaker in a reptile zoo. My native language is not english so please excuse my mistakes. I am in Austria. So my boss, which I will call Karen, owns this zoo as she married the man who created it, but he died in the year 2000. Her son also works here as kind off a second boss to me. Karena is the employee that’s here for the longest so she is kind of my third boss. There is also Georg who just finished his apprenticeship and Elly a third year apprentice. Every morning all of my coworkers and my two bosses have a little meeting with us, to clarify who is responsible for what and so on. The meetings with Karen and her son are separate. For some reason Karen uses these meetings to rant and ridicule us, for…


I hate being good at basic math cuz I calculated I have 2.5 hrs(excluding eating, washing, undressing, etc) to relax before going to sleep and going to work again


New pop-up on the work laptop that began today. The 1-3 managers above say no one knows where this came from. This instance popped up during a 1-on-1 Teams call.


Just need some good vibes and solidarity.

I won’t bore you all with the long story, so here’s the short version- I took a job with a nonprofit that turned out to be toxic as shit a few months ago- like junior high levels of emotional dysfunction. The cause is great but the people are awful, and some have been outwardly hostile towards me. So, I said “fuck this” and started looking in an industry I worked in previously (I know it, I’m good at it, and it’s much less “martyr complex” than where I ended up) and I managed to land an interview after sending my resume rando style to a company near my house lol. The interview is in the morning and I REALLY need to get the fuck out of this bad situation, so I thought I’d solicit some crossed fingers from my fave FTW sub. Shower me with fool’s hope, please and thank…


Scouts USA is an unsafe organization and I wont stop speaking out.

I have trauma from the workplace bullying there still. They let five year olds shoot BB guns with little supervision at their camps. They let minors be in charge of kids with shot guns.


Where do food come from if nobody wants to work?



Asked for a pay bump at my job about a month ago and really went into detail on my case. After being bullied into submission, called entitled, and effectively demoted by management, who insisted I wasn’t worth that amount of money, I quit and accepted a new offer for +$12k MORE than what I asked these clowns for. The joke writes itself! Put in my 2 weeks and couldn’t be happier. Ohhh how wonderful it feels to be free 🙂