
Just need some good vibes and solidarity.

I won’t bore you all with the long story, so here’s the short version- I took a job with a nonprofit that turned out to be toxic as shit a few months ago- like junior high levels of emotional dysfunction. The cause is great but the people are awful, and some have been outwardly hostile towards me. So, I said “fuck this” and started looking in an industry I worked in previously (I know it, I’m good at it, and it’s much less “martyr complex” than where I ended up) and I managed to land an interview after sending my resume rando style to a company near my house lol. The interview is in the morning and I REALLY need to get the fuck out of this bad situation, so I thought I’d solicit some crossed fingers from my fave FTW sub. Shower me with fool’s hope, please and thank…

I won’t bore you all with the long story, so here’s the short version- I took a job with a nonprofit that turned out to be toxic as shit a few months ago- like junior high levels of emotional dysfunction. The cause is great but the people are awful, and some have been outwardly hostile towards me. So, I said “fuck this” and started looking in an industry I worked in previously (I know it, I’m good at it, and it’s much less “martyr complex” than where I ended up) and I managed to land an interview after sending my resume rando style to a company near my house lol.

The interview is in the morning and I REALLY need to get the fuck out of this bad situation, so I thought I’d solicit some crossed fingers from my fave FTW sub. Shower me with fool’s hope, please and thank you!🥂

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