
Experience required for entry level?!?

So since every entry level job I have seen in the past couple of weeks wants a minimum one year direct experience in the entry level job posted, would it fair to lie ones ass off and declare experience? I mean the whole process has fallen apart (I have been forced to do detailed background checks for $12 an hour mindless jobs only to be rejected) so why not just have fun with it?


Too tempting to quit…

I'm lucky to be at a job where I have amazing coworkers and a pretty relaxed atmoshpere, but the owners still push me to do things that are totally not in my competence, way outside of my job description, because they want to save money. Which puts a pressure on me that I don't like. Kinda “ah, you also can make websites, amazing… ah, you also can speak Italian, go over these Italian legal documents” etc. The problem here is that money is no longer a motivation for me as I have some investments that are doing fine and could survive without having to do the job. The only reason I keep it is it provides structure to my life, without this structure I tend to become a shut-in and a hermit and avoid socialization. Being forced to socialize is good for me, I guess, keeps me normal. The other…


It finally happened to me… 80% of my team was laid off today

I'm honestly still in shock and processing it all. Feeling a form of survivorship bias. Like why was I one of the two chosen to stay while others were let go? We were a close group of 10. 8, including my direct boss, were let go. No goodbyes, no contact, nothing. Just a quick 1 on 1 meeting, pack up your stuff and go. Just the other day we had a planning session on what we were all going to work on the next couple of months. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through on a personal level: My boss just had two kids One of my coworkers recently bought a HOUSE and MOVED for this job Another just got married One has a sick family member Meanwhile there's me. A single guy with none of those things who is staying. I slack off, do the…


So I’ve been asking for more hours for weeks now because of an emergency situation at my house, now I’m about to get taken off the schedule for not being able to afford new shoes when I didn’t get more hours.

Title pretty much My dad has gotten really toxic towards me after I started dealing with chronic health issues and is more than likely about to kick me out. Meanwhile, my car has electrical issues that I’m taking care of, my main way out. I need more hours because I’m not able to afford hardly anything right now and I started looking for another job to either switch to or try to push through working 2. Well my boss wants me to get new shoes, I told her about what’s going on and it’s “quite unfortunate”, then she offered a shoe vouture that’ll take money off my next check… but I tell her again that I can’t afford it, I’m hardly even eating. So now a few days later and I’m probably being taken off the schedule after they talk to accommodations until I get it resolved… which of course…


Recently overheard this at work. Anyone else hear this kind of stuff?

“Hey guys, idea here, and tell me if it doesn't make sense…. what if….. what if we ….. write stuff down…. that we want to…… remember later….?!”


We need to talk about your professional development

So that's a talk I had at work today. Some higher ups are concerned I'm not developing in my area. For context, last year I was busy developing cancer and had two surgeries, this year I've been developing post-surgery complications and I'm gonna have surgery number 3 to deal with them at the end of July, some 8 months after my previous surgery. So, you know, forgive me if becoming a better QA manager was not a high priority. I was kinda busy trying to be an alive QA manager.


Been bullied at work and today i bullied the bully.

I have a dude that's been harrassing me for little things at work for 2 months. Dude literally gambling at work. Today he started bullying and I told him to go cure his gambling addiction and focus on his children. Dude told me to “talk at home like that” and proceeded to be quiet for the rest of the day. Kinda feel dumb since half of the people there will hate me but hey, I bullied the bully today !


Your most obnoxious logical fallacy?

What's the logical fallacy you despise the most? For me it is either a strawman or circular reasoning. Also is there a fallacy you can understand why people are falling for it?


New South Wales has just introduced ‘kill a worker – go to jail’ industrial manslaughter laws. Australia’s toughest. Max penalty of 25 years jail, and $20m fine.


What’s the compensation competing against again?