
Work denied reasonable accommodation

I was on unpaid leave for like 13 weeks and work approved it. They basically retaliated in a safe way because when you come back you are only guaranteed a job. So when I came back I put in a reasonable accommodation request to work a bit earlier and it got denied because with the new hire here now, we both ‘need to be supervised’. I’ve been with this company for a while now and have worked many hours/days unsupervised let alone worked by myself in the office. The manager was out of office this whole week and got left ‘unsupervised’ with the other hire and another coworker but comes in later. How do I bring this up to management? We’re a small office based in Anaheim with less than 10 employees. The employee handbook does say office is open 7-6 but I ‘can’t work’ any earlier cause no ‘supervision’…


Quitting casual job

Any advice on how to quit my casual job? I've worked at a shoe retail job since June 2023, and we've had several managers since, including almost 6 months of no manager or assistant manager. I was denied a transfer to a store closer to my house because the one I work at is a quiet store and the other store is busy, as they thought I “couldn't handle” a bigger store. With no car, it's almost 1 hour each way to work via public transport for a 3 hr shift once a week or month with no way to get shifts covered since we're so understaffed. They also denied my request to be trained as a senior, because out of the 1 year I worked there, I missed work twice – due to my period and an uni assignment – claiming I wasn't reliable. These missed shifts i couldn't…


When Government Healthcare is run like For-Profit/private healthcare:

In one of the largest Counties of the SF Bay Area, Frontline health workers speak out against profit driven policies that harm patients. This is what happens when you run Government programs as if they are a business. And the employees that are true public servants, who raise concerns about the quality of services being provided, get squeezed out of their jobs and punished via retaliation.


I watch the rich steal money and can’t do anything about it AMA

Title says it all, I manage accounts for a few super wealthy people. For the most part they are callous, evil and stealing directly from poor people. Ama except their names or what firm I work for.


Professional references?!

After a long, long time..I'm looking for a job. Boo. I mustered up 1 reference. I need two.. What in the world do I do if I got nothing?!


What is stopping my employer from sending a termination letter from my mail ID?

I recently read a post here that if push comes to shove, you might need to show the proof that you got fired and didn’t quit. So the company that I’m currently employed by, has its own mail server and domain. In our initial days, we were able to send mails from any mail id (within the domain) to any other person just by using Python. Somehow the access to the server was open. We didn’t try much, just fun and games within us. After a few days, tried again, but by then the server access seemed to be closed. Anyway, the main question is that someone does have access to that server. What if they type in a resignation letter from my mail address and send it to my manager, fire me, and then deny any severance?


US Department of Labor announces final rule on classifying workers as employees or independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act


“We discriminate and demand toxic positivity :)”

Different words, same message. I'm so tired of the job market.


Complete unpaid training or lose hours.

So I got a new job in a “fast food” coffee shop, and our manager sent out an email recently stating our training video completion score is at 69% (nice lol.) And that we need to complete them our shes cutting our hours. Now due to our location and general stupidity on managers part we have no real way of completing videos at work. 1. Theres barely enough staff to be able to get off the floor and do these training videos (and hilariously she refuses to fire incompetent people and hire better people.) 2. Because it is a fast food place were not supposed to bring our phones onto the floor (unless your a supervisor. Or just are well liked/ dont give a shit.) So cant do our trainings at work. But im petty and at my wits end with this place, so screw the videos. Its all stuff…


Arakelian Enterprises will pay $104K to resolve alleged hiring discrimination