
Quitting casual job

Any advice on how to quit my casual job? I've worked at a shoe retail job since June 2023, and we've had several managers since, including almost 6 months of no manager or assistant manager. I was denied a transfer to a store closer to my house because the one I work at is a quiet store and the other store is busy, as they thought I “couldn't handle” a bigger store. With no car, it's almost 1 hour each way to work via public transport for a 3 hr shift once a week or month with no way to get shifts covered since we're so understaffed. They also denied my request to be trained as a senior, because out of the 1 year I worked there, I missed work twice – due to my period and an uni assignment – claiming I wasn't reliable. These missed shifts i couldn't…

Any advice on how to quit my casual job? I've worked at a shoe retail job since June 2023, and we've had several managers since, including almost 6 months of no manager or assistant manager. I was denied a transfer to a store closer to my house because the one I work at is a quiet store and the other store is busy, as they thought I “couldn't handle” a bigger store. With no car, it's almost 1 hour each way to work via public transport for a 3 hr shift once a week or month with no way to get shifts covered since we're so understaffed. They also denied my request to be trained as a senior, because out of the 1 year I worked there, I missed work twice – due to my period and an uni assignment – claiming I wasn't reliable. These missed shifts i couldn't get covered because we were so understaffed.

Should I write a resignation letter? What should I write in it? How else should I quit?

Extra info: located in Australia

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