
What is stopping my employer from sending a termination letter from my mail ID?

I recently read a post here that if push comes to shove, you might need to show the proof that you got fired and didn’t quit. So the company that I’m currently employed by, has its own mail server and domain. In our initial days, we were able to send mails from any mail id (within the domain) to any other person just by using Python. Somehow the access to the server was open. We didn’t try much, just fun and games within us. After a few days, tried again, but by then the server access seemed to be closed. Anyway, the main question is that someone does have access to that server. What if they type in a resignation letter from my mail address and send it to my manager, fire me, and then deny any severance?


US Department of Labor announces final rule on classifying workers as employees or independent contractors under the Fair Labor Standards Act


“We discriminate and demand toxic positivity :)”

Different words, same message. I'm so tired of the job market.


Complete unpaid training or lose hours.

So I got a new job in a “fast food” coffee shop, and our manager sent out an email recently stating our training video completion score is at 69% (nice lol.) And that we need to complete them our shes cutting our hours. Now due to our location and general stupidity on managers part we have no real way of completing videos at work. 1. Theres barely enough staff to be able to get off the floor and do these training videos (and hilariously she refuses to fire incompetent people and hire better people.) 2. Because it is a fast food place were not supposed to bring our phones onto the floor (unless your a supervisor. Or just are well liked/ dont give a shit.) So cant do our trainings at work. But im petty and at my wits end with this place, so screw the videos. Its all stuff…


Arakelian Enterprises will pay $104K to resolve alleged hiring discrimination


The exploitative practices of the anime industry


Building case against Employer for Lawsuit

Here's my situation: I have proof that my Employer discriminated against me due to Ableism and Sexism. I already consulted a lawyer and have been told it is a very strong case. My Lawsuit's focus is gonna be burnout. I work in Social Services, and some of the things they did have led to me seriously considering leaving my line of work all together. I've had moments in time where I outright considered offing myself or outright almost BSed my day through due to the burnout. I accessed multiple hospital resources that help people in my line of work, which will be used as proof. Completed 1 program at 1 hospital. Started 1 at another hospital, had to fire that guy because he did something rather rude, so now accessing therapist number 3. I also have a therapist through my wife who is well aware of things. Pretty sure I'll…


3% raise for being oh so great

My performance review happened today. I got all the compliments, praises, I was told how amazing I'm doing and it's such a pleasure to work with me. I got a 3% raise, that's all they have capacity for right now. I am the lowest paid employee in the office and not by a little, but 20k+ difference a year. I started in a 3 people team, right now my departments is just me (one person left, the other one got fired). I became a to-go person for everyone else. I love my job and I feel so unappreciated. No amount of company lunches is going to fix it for me. The raise that I got will cover half tank of gas. I drive 30 – 40 minutes one way to the office, no work from home option even though 90% of what I'm doing can be easily done from home.…


Degree + 5 years experience will get you…$8 an hour at one of the largest auto manufacturers on earth.


What’s the point anymore

I was given termination paper work a few months back. I had a chance to repeal their findings. I did, I informed them of how they are violating the USERRA Act against me as a reservist. My employer then changes there decision. Long story short, the DOL is telling me since they changed everything and brought you back, theirs no violations. At what point in life do you just quit being a good person. It gets you nowhere!