
What’s the point anymore

I was given termination paper work a few months back. I had a chance to repeal their findings. I did, I informed them of how they are violating the USERRA Act against me as a reservist. My employer then changes there decision. Long story short, the DOL is telling me since they changed everything and brought you back, theirs no violations. At what point in life do you just quit being a good person. It gets you nowhere!

I was given termination paper work a few months back. I had a chance to repeal their findings. I did, I informed them of how they are violating the USERRA Act against me as a reservist. My employer then changes there decision. Long story short, the DOL is telling me since they changed everything and brought you back, theirs no violations. At what point in life do you just quit being a good person. It gets you nowhere!

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