
Manager is a liar and undermining me but the job market sucks

I don’t know how much longer I can suffer him. He is obsessed with getting promoted despite maxing out the Peter Principle as it is. This isn’t my first rodeo but he’s impacting my mental health and I’m getting nowhere with the job search, it’s barren. I feel even worse on my days off weirdly enough. I don’t want to leave, for the first time in my life I’m on a good salary and I don’t see why my life should be up-ended because of him. I struggle socially and I can’t tolerate being in meetings with him coming out with lie after lie so I get flustered. Then he undermines my “brand” and talks about how confident ‘x’ is. I’ve tried but it just jars with me as he’s put me in difficult situations because of his obsession with getting ahead. At least one of my coworkers (small team)…


Put on a PIP, rant

I am the first to admit and acknowledge when I mess up. However, I've had a couple of discussions with my superiors that my job is extremely difficult to accomplish to their standards based on the following: When I was hired there was chaos in senior leadership, a major player had just left and my boss was responsible for filling in the gaps. I was given minimal direction, zero one on ones (I was told to book them myself only if i needed them) and told to have my predecessor train me. It turns out she left due to the stress and impossible workload and had me do things differently than we're supposed to, as I found out later. I've pointed this out and it's just ignored. We had another shake up where I started to report to someone else who moved over from another department, who was very unavailable…


Are my feelings age discrimination?

I work in an office and will most likely be stepping up to the office supervisor role soon. The 3 staff members that will be working under me are in their 70’s and the other is late 60’s. At the moment, I pretty much do everything and my boss (who works at a different location across the country) wants me to start delegating tasks so my plate isn’t so full. I’m trying to be as patient as possible with training them but it isn’t going well. Something as simple as accepting a teams meeting, setting a status etc they aren’t able to grasp it. Also I’ve noticed a big issue with memory, which i know is something that’s common with old age, I’m creating cheat sheets for them and putting sticky notes to help but it doesn’t seem to be working. I am really trying and want this to work…


I have a question…

And I’m almost positive I know the correct answer lol. We had a meeting at work today and discussing wages came up. And we were told that in our handbook it states that we could be fired on the spot for discussing wages with other employees. I know this to be absolutely false. So I’m going to go back in the handbook and look for this and if it’s in there should I report it to the labor board or something? I’ve not been threatened with my job directly over this but I’ve been told multiple times by my boss and the building administrator that it was a fireable offense. Is this true? Edit: I am in the us.


RANT – Stop bait and switching with remote listings!

On the job hunt again since hours have been cut, so all my time goes into the search while I have side gigs in limbo. Applied for a remote job, same state, but hours away. Listing made zero note of anything in-person. Immediately received an email invite to schedule an interview in-person six hours away.


CBSA workers poised to begin job action today. Here’s how it may impact you and the borders | CBC News


Father Lives in Fantasy Land about Jobs

My father keeps talking about with my “experience” I should be making $70-$80,000 a year. For context, I'm 25 and only have a bachelor's in psychology right now. I keep trying to figure out why the hell he continues to say this, it's like he lives under a rock. He's early fifties and has a corporate job (which I don't want). I tell him that it's unrealistic because one I just got a new job after nearly a year of interviewing and two most entry-level jobs don't even pay half of that. All of this just for him to continue saying the same damn thing, it's annoying and I hate the pressure he's putting on me. Is he a lost cause?


Work denied reasonable accommodation

I was on unpaid leave for like 13 weeks and work approved it. They basically retaliated in a safe way because when you come back you are only guaranteed a job. So when I came back I put in a reasonable accommodation request to work a bit earlier and it got denied because with the new hire here now, we both ‘need to be supervised’. I’ve been with this company for a while now and have worked many hours/days unsupervised let alone worked by myself in the office. The manager was out of office this whole week and got left ‘unsupervised’ with the other hire and another coworker but comes in later. How do I bring this up to management? We’re a small office based in Anaheim with less than 10 employees. The employee handbook does say office is open 7-6 but I ‘can’t work’ any earlier cause no ‘supervision’…


Quitting casual job

Any advice on how to quit my casual job? I've worked at a shoe retail job since June 2023, and we've had several managers since, including almost 6 months of no manager or assistant manager. I was denied a transfer to a store closer to my house because the one I work at is a quiet store and the other store is busy, as they thought I “couldn't handle” a bigger store. With no car, it's almost 1 hour each way to work via public transport for a 3 hr shift once a week or month with no way to get shifts covered since we're so understaffed. They also denied my request to be trained as a senior, because out of the 1 year I worked there, I missed work twice – due to my period and an uni assignment – claiming I wasn't reliable. These missed shifts i couldn't…


When Government Healthcare is run like For-Profit/private healthcare:

In one of the largest Counties of the SF Bay Area, Frontline health workers speak out against profit driven policies that harm patients. This is what happens when you run Government programs as if they are a business. And the employees that are true public servants, who raise concerns about the quality of services being provided, get squeezed out of their jobs and punished via retaliation.