
40 hours a week is way damn too much, it should be 20 at most.

In a fair healthy world it would be 20 at most. That gives you 4 hours work per day and that itself is pushing it. I bet rich people work like 4 hours per week. Why won't they let us live a little. We are born not to struggle under the yoke of billionaires. They can print money anytime they want, why should we starve when they can just push a button to print money. Why not give us UBI.

In a fair healthy world it would be 20 at most. That gives you 4 hours work per day and that itself is pushing it.

I bet rich people work like 4 hours per week.

Why won't they let us live a little. We are born not to struggle under the yoke of billionaires. They can print money anytime they want, why should we starve when they can just push a button to print money. Why not give us UBI.

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