
Friend is needing advice

My friend is working at a gas station. He has gotten complaints for checking peoples ID's because people have “called corporate” to complain. His manager didn't even speak to him about it the first time. One of the newer employees did saying they were told to train him on how to ID customers because of the complaints. He was told to not ID regulars…he had just started so is unaware at this time who is and isn't a regular. Yesterday he was supposed to go into work. When he arrived the manager told him to leave because they have received more complaints about him ID'ing. Hasn't fired him..and when he called today his coworker told him that his name had been crossed off the schedule. We are just looking for advice because this sounds really off. Because ID'ing people is literally part of his job (when they buy products that…

My friend is working at a gas station. He has gotten complaints for checking peoples ID's because people have “called corporate” to complain. His manager didn't even speak to him about it the first time. One of the newer employees did saying they were told to train him on how to ID customers because of the complaints. He was told to not ID regulars…he had just started so is unaware at this time who is and isn't a regular. Yesterday he was supposed to go into work. When he arrived the manager told him to leave because they have received more complaints about him ID'ing. Hasn't fired him..and when he called today his coworker told him that his name had been crossed off the schedule. We are just looking for advice because this sounds really off. Because ID'ing people is literally part of his job (when they buy products that are 17+). He has left a message for corporate. Texas is at will so I'm sure she will just make up a reason she fired him…but any advice is welcome.

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