
Mom just got fired

My mom was graphic designer for a small company in Miami, sometimes she would even go 36 hours without sleep because she had to do on-site jobs, for 36 hours you know the only thing the company would give her to eat? Fucking Macdonald burgers, thats it. My mom basically does graphic design, graphic rendering, she installs those same graphics onto booth, she manages and she operates the machines for the graphics to come out good. She basically did the job of at least 3 OTHER PEOPLE and they still would pay her 18 the hour, make her work 36 hours continously and sometimes they would even DEDUCT HER HOURS so as to not pay her overtime. I know she will get a job again like alway, but It just sucks that because she can't speak English all that well she has been basically exploited at all her jobs. I…

My mom was graphic designer for a small company in Miami, sometimes she would even go 36 hours without sleep because she had to do on-site jobs, for 36 hours you know the only thing the company would give her to eat? Fucking Macdonald burgers, thats it. My mom basically does graphic design, graphic rendering, she installs those same graphics onto booth, she manages and she operates the machines for the graphics to come out good. She basically did the job of at least 3 OTHER PEOPLE and they still would pay her 18 the hour, make her work 36 hours continously and sometimes they would even DEDUCT HER HOURS so as to not pay her overtime. I know she will get a job again like alway, but It just sucks that because she can't speak English all that well she has been basically exploited at all her jobs. I can't believe people lack such basic human empathy to the point were you can have overworked, underfed, and sleepless and they still have the fucking gall of deducting the hours of work those same workers do.

I know this is more of a rant but it just saddens me that she graduated school, taught about it on a university level, and has extreme knowledge on graphic design and multiple tools on it, and just because she can't speak English that well in the US it means that she has to be exploited. Land of the free and opportunity what a fucking joke. I just wish I could do more to help her other than being her emotional support.

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