I have social anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder, I have started a new job about 3 weeks ago, it’s in HR and I was enjoying it to start. my coworkers are friendly. Last week I had been put on the telephones to answer phone calls. I knew this would be happening at some point, but my manager said in my interview i’d be put on the phones 2 months in, but 3 weeks in and she’s told me to go on the telephone and answer all calls, personally I feel like she should have eased me into it at least, I have no knowledge in HR so throwing me straight on the telephone with no experience or even any training on actual HR laws / employment laws is absurd to me. She didn’t even tell me how to use the phones or how I transfer calls and stuff.
I had such a meltdown this morning that I couldn’t go in. I have left 3 jobs in the past year due to my anxiety and getting overwhelmed. I told my boss I have tonsillitis but it’s just because of my anxiety. I feel like I can go in tomorrow because my boss won’t be in the office so it takes the pressure off. But I don’t know how to tell her I’m not confident on the phones and I fear I am going to end up resigning due to getting overwhelmed with anxiety.
I previously worked in hospitality and front facing customer service jobs, which I find easier, telephones have always overwhelmed me and I accepted this job as I was told it would be minimal telephone work and I was told I’d be trained sufficiently before I got put on the phones so I am feeling a bit mislead.
My ideal job is remote/hybrid and data entry, no telephones, these jobs are just impossible to find!!!!