
My boss cried in her car after I quit

TL; DR – My boss sent a manipulative email to me and my recruiter, so I quit on the spot. I have a new job that I'll be starting in a couple weeks anyway so at least I don't have to deal with giving a two-week notice. Once I quit, my boss cried in her car. I don't think she expected me to quit on the spot because she already lost my replacement, who quit on her after 3 weeks. Hey y'all, Just wanted to vent if that's OK. This subreddit really helped me realize professional boundaries and helped me with job searching employers who will compensate me well and aren't toxic. I've been temping for the past 73 days for a a client company with a less than stellar reputation within property management. The company president is almost always absent in the office and has a sink-or-swim style of…

TL; DR – My boss sent a manipulative email to me and my recruiter, so I quit on the spot. I have a new job that I'll be starting in a couple weeks anyway so at least I don't have to deal with giving a two-week notice. Once I quit, my boss cried in her car. I don't think she expected me to quit on the spot because she already lost my replacement, who quit on her after 3 weeks.

Hey y'all,

Just wanted to vent if that's OK. This subreddit really helped me realize professional boundaries and helped me with job searching employers who will compensate me well and aren't toxic.

I've been temping for the past 73 days for a a client company with a less than stellar reputation within property management. The company president is almost always absent in the office and has a sink-or-swim style of training. She'll give you project and expect you to figure it out on your own without any direction whatsoever. So if I run out of work I ask and her brother (who also works there) and they don't have anything for me, I'm left to my own devices. Fortunately for me, I've been able to find projects for myself to do (audits and customer communication). She also loves to pass on pissed off clients, lawyers, and vendors to me without any heads up or background info. If you don't do things the way she wants or don't answer her calls, texts, and emails after hours, she'll yell at you. She even had a direct-hire employee (presumably my replacement, since I'm temp-to-hire) quit within 3 weeks due to her lack of training and her overall attitude.

I recently found a job that pays a lot higher than my last positions and I start in a couple of weeks. I was gonna give my two weeks notice today until I saw an email addressed to my recruiter and CC'd to me, how upset she is with me, how I never communcate with her, how she would test me to see if I'd come to her for more work but I don't…basically upset that I can't read her mind and that she feels as if I'm only there until I find something better (of course I am, duh). She also sprinkles in how she works until midnight, how she feels like she's drowning, and how her sister just got COVID and life is so hard.

My recruiter then calls me to get my side of the story. He hasn't had a good experience with her lack of communication and he expressed that what he's hearing from the client (my boss) seemed uncharacteristic of me based on our interactions and especially because my references also spoke highly of me. I told him what I've experienced so far, that I wasn't happy, and I wanted out. He told me he understood, I finished the tasks for the day, and I was processed out.

Before I left, I saw my soon-to-be former boss pull up at the parking lot. She stayed there for a bit and then I saw her bawling her eyes out. I don't think she expected for me to quit after pretty much exposing her manipulation tactics to me. Honestly, this is a first. I've had my share of manipulative power-hungry bosses but this is the first one that cried.

During my time there, I audited different types of files to pass the time. I discovered she's had 8 other assistants who quit on her, all lasting no longer than 2-3 months. I also saw that she saves screenshots of clients being unpleasant, which I think contributes to her overall negative demeanor. I'm so glad I'm out. At least I didn't have to deal with giving a two-week notice and getting fired on the spot for it lol.

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