
Unknowingly got screwed by employer moving everyone from bi-monthly to every other week paychecks

I got a 10% raise at work (which I had to fight for but was then told I deserved it from the get-go), but the whole company was moved from getting a paycheck twice a month to every other week. What's the difference? It means 26 paychecks a year (52/2) instead of 24 (12*2). So after the 10% raise, my salary is the same every paycheck! You'll say “yes but at the end of the year it's the same!”, which is true, but now I want to leave and find a new job so my 10% raise and won't net me anything. There are two 3-paycheck months (June and December) so I would have to wait until June, really, to see a 5% pay-bump and then December until the owed 10% pay bump. A change I thought was innocuous was actually insidious. Classic.

I got a 10% raise at work (which I had to fight for but was then told I deserved it from the get-go), but the whole company was moved from getting a paycheck twice a month to every other week.

What's the difference? It means 26 paychecks a year (52/2) instead of 24 (12*2). So after the 10% raise, my salary is the same every paycheck!

You'll say “yes but at the end of the year it's the same!”, which is true, but now I want to leave and find a new job so my 10% raise and won't net me anything.

There are two 3-paycheck months (June and December) so I would have to wait until June, really, to see a 5% pay-bump and then December until the owed 10% pay bump.

A change I thought was innocuous was actually insidious. Classic.

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