
Just watched Office Space last night…

It's been a long time since I've seen it. It popped up for free on my youtube so I popped it on. Holy smokes. It gave me extreme anxiety. It's crazy how just a few meme-able moments in a pretty short movie sum up the entire beaurocratic corporate structure in America even today. Peter's whole arc is so satisfying in a way that most of us will never get to experience. I don't understand how this movie hasn't ignited the burning flame of antiwork in a larger part of the country.

It's been a long time since I've seen it. It popped up for free on my youtube so I popped it on. Holy smokes. It gave me extreme anxiety. It's crazy how just a few meme-able moments in a pretty short movie sum up the entire beaurocratic corporate structure in America even today. Peter's whole arc is so satisfying in a way that most of us will never get to experience. I don't understand how this movie hasn't ignited the burning flame of antiwork in a larger part of the country.

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