
Woman had me arrested at work

For context I live in a somewhat small town and there’s only a handful of sit down restaurants so we get a lot of regulars. On Tuesday night I was working and this lady who was in another server’s section called the police on me because I had a warrant for failing to appear on a misdemeanor court date I had no idea about. I guess once a month these are posted in the newspaper and she took it upon herself to report my whereabouts. I don’t know for sure but I think she asked someone my name, because I didn’t even know she did it until the police showed up. It was horribly embarrassing even though they tried to not make a huge scene. The woman was filming me and seemed to be bragging about what she did to other people around. I was not fired luckily even though…

For context I live in a somewhat small town and there’s only a handful of sit down restaurants so we get a lot of regulars. On Tuesday night I was working and this lady who was in another server’s section called the police on me because I had a warrant for failing to appear on a misdemeanor court date I had no idea about. I guess once a month these are posted in the newspaper and she took it upon herself to report my whereabouts. I don’t know for sure but I think she asked someone my name, because I didn’t even know she did it until the police showed up. It was horribly embarrassing even though they tried to not make a huge scene. The woman was filming me and seemed to be bragging about what she did to other people around.

I was not fired luckily even though i missed work bc I had to stay in jail almost two full days before I saw a judge to get bail. I went back to work and my GM was pretty cool about it they even paid me for my shifts I missed lol. The owner is out of town but once he is back I’m pretty hopeful that the woman is gonna get blacklisted. And APPARENTLY SHE HAS DONE THIS BEFORE. Gas station employee same type of thing she called in and he got picked up on a bench warrant. She posted my mugshot but luckily a bunch of people called her out and it was deleted shortly after.

PS I have no problem with the police doing their job here, they were respectful and professional to me and I could tell even they thought what this woman did was cruel.

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