I work for place that makes the things that hold two pieces of metal together. I had started there at the beginning of last October. I did the training, got certified for the things I need to be certified in. The best part, I was never late and never missed a day. Each batch I am responsible for gets checked by the quality department to make sure it's up to snuff, I have yet to get a batch rejected by the quality department.
When I finished training I was told I would get a 50 cent raise (huge raise right there). I completed training at the beginning of January, tomorrow is March and I still have yet to receive that raise.
The company also gives everyone a raise at the beginning of the new year. Those raises just came out today, my coworker B (bless this man) showed me how I can see what my raise was. The company uses an app to keep track of all that stuff. I went to go look at it and found my raise was only 34 cents.
I'm also still supposed to get the 50 cent raise on top of that.
I guess I was just expecting it to be more…