
Boss called 21 times….

I am assistant manager for a major chain & had to call in last week due to a major emergency with my daughter. I told my boss (store manager) the circumstances & that I wouldn't be able to do my shift because we were waiting on an ambulance. While in the ER, I was not allowed to have my phone with me (rules if you're in for psych issues). I went out to check my phone about 8 hours later (the next morning) & saw my boss called me – 21 times! They also left a text stating, “I'm going to keep calling until I hear from you.” I'm extremely offended by this. Am I wrong to be mad?

I am assistant manager for a major chain & had to call in last week due to a major emergency with my daughter. I told my boss (store manager) the circumstances & that I wouldn't be able to do my shift because we were waiting on an ambulance. While in the ER, I was not allowed to have my phone with me (rules if you're in for psych issues). I went out to check my phone about 8 hours later (the next morning) & saw my boss called me – 21 times! They also left a text stating, “I'm going to keep calling until I hear from you.” I'm extremely offended by this. Am I wrong to be mad?

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