
Does anybody else get call-out anxiety?

Like even if you’re actually genuinely not feeling well…. I worry so badly that people think I’m lying just to get time off and have insane anxiety when I come back to work thinking everyone around me may think I was lying. Because of all the times in past workplaces when others have called out of work, I’ve been that coworker that overheard others talk about it by saying things like “yeah so-n-so called out because they’re ‘sick’” (emphasis on the air quotes and eye rolls) Like how tf would you know if they aren’t feeling well #1 and #2 who is paying you this much to care????

Like even if you’re actually genuinely not feeling well…. I worry so badly that people think I’m lying just to get time off and have insane anxiety when I come back to work thinking everyone around me may think I was lying.
Because of all the times in past workplaces when others have called out of work, I’ve been that coworker that overheard others talk about it by saying things like “yeah so-n-so called out because they’re ‘sick’” (emphasis on the air quotes and eye rolls)
Like how tf would you know if they aren’t feeling well #1 and #2 who is paying you this much to care????

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