
April 18 Protest

If anyone has that fiery feeling in their blood, then I propose something I proposed on a previous Reddit account: National Walkout Here’s the thing, many of us have this fear and perception we can lose our jobs, and we can lose our housing. And why? Abusive workplaces tell us we can. Crisis situations can force someone into homelessness, or in mass debt. Target one person to make the example, and most cower. But, power in numbers. Think about it this way, with what we are seeing in France: This is achievable We are being threatened consistently on how we will lose our low paying jobs. Maybe a job forces you to come to work, even if you’re sick. Maybe a job forces you to do something you aren’t comfortable with. Maybe a job didn’t support you in your time in crisis. And we hear it all the time…”If you…

If anyone has that fiery feeling in their blood, then I propose something I proposed on a previous Reddit account: National Walkout

Here’s the thing, many of us have this fear and perception we can lose our jobs, and we can lose our housing. And why? Abusive workplaces tell us we can. Crisis situations can force someone into homelessness, or in mass debt. Target one person to make the example, and most cower.

But, power in numbers. Think about it this way, with what we are seeing in France: This is achievable

We are being threatened consistently on how we will lose our low paying jobs. Maybe a job forces you to come to work, even if you’re sick. Maybe a job forces you to do something you aren’t comfortable with. Maybe a job didn’t support you in your time in crisis. And we hear it all the time…”If you don’t show up, you will be let go.”

Then that leads to a spiral in which someone could lose their “home.” Generations before were able to buy a house on one income. Now we have to rent and have two or more people shack up to pay the bills.

We used to have powerful unions. Now, Unions are being dissolved, and many of the ones that do exist are bureaucratic. Red tape all over any deal, and who does it affect? The workers. We suffer.

We used to have less wage disparity. Now, the “leaders” make so much more on the backs of those that make their business grow. We, the people, make their profit. We, the people, suffer.

We used to have an essence of freedom in this country. We used to have vacations. We used to have a system that allowed one to achieve a decent living. Not a living of excess, but a decent living. Now, we the people must work sometimes two or three jobs or more to afford to live.

We used to communicate with each other. We used to have civil discourse. This isn’t to say there hasn’t been horrendous history of tragedies, but we still tried to make things better over time. Now, we the people spew violence and hate. What is the result of this? The powers that be expand because we can’t organize.

So, what do we as a country have to lose when we have little to lose at all? Most must live paycheck to paycheck and this is a country to which you could lose EVERYTHING in a night. Why not give the same treatment to those who have created this mess?

So, April 18, I propose a national walkout. I propose a boycott of big corporations and work together. We are a country of over 300 million. If even a quarter of the workforce didn’t show up, look at the effect it can bring.

We have seen banks plummet. We have seen the housing market collapse. We have seen rich, greedy lobbyists and business leaders and politicians cause this time and time again.

But what about the workforce? Let this be our turn.

Spread the word. Then when that day comes, Don’t go to work. Peacefully protest on the street for a decent living so we can have a life, liberty, and finally pursue some happiness.

So, if this country makes you angry, make the sacrifice and walk out.

If this country makes you bitter, make the sacrifice and walk out.

If you wonder about
The world the future generations will live in, make the sacrifice and walk out.

No good change was made by sitting and staying stuck in the routine. We, as a collective, must sacrifice our illusion of comfort to live in a world of real comfort and change.

So, before you get angry and blame your liberal buddy for the way they voted or conservative family member for the way they voted, understand this: they were all having their fears marketed to…
The fear of losing their life, their illusion of liberty, and their illusion happiness.

Let’s forgive those struggling like us and get to the issue…we need to be able to make a comfortable living. We need to show who runs this country.

It’s us. Let’s prove it.

April 18th.

Let’s make history.

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