
Questions about going to HR if unhappy with job.

Ive ready some horror stories about dealing with HR on this subreddit, hearing that they are not there for us but for the company. Even hearing that people have gotten fired over complaining to HR. If me and 3 other coworkers went to HR with complaints about my department/area, would they fire us all? Would it even do any good or change anything? As much as my job is worsening my mental health and very much stressing me out, i cannot afford to leave this job and find another because it is the highest paying one in my area and I support myself completely. But me and my coworkers are extremely unhappy with how things are at our job. If anyone can help or has some advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Ive ready some horror stories about dealing with HR on this subreddit, hearing that they are not there for us but for the company. Even hearing that people have gotten fired over complaining to HR. If me and 3 other coworkers went to HR with complaints about my department/area, would they fire us all? Would it even do any good or change anything? As much as my job is worsening my mental health and very much stressing me out, i cannot afford to leave this job and find another because it is the highest paying one in my area and I support myself completely. But me and my coworkers are extremely unhappy with how things are at our job. If anyone can help or has some advice it would be greatly appreciated.

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