
I don’t know who’s passive aggressive anymore

Working for a small retail company with 3 owners and 7 employees. 3 of the employees are in the same family and one of them is sleeping with one of the owners. I’m the longest serving employee. I’m a one person purchasing department in charge of maintaining inventory levels of 15000+ SKUs, and the company makes me cover receiving too. Ever since the relationship between the employee and the owner began I felt a change in treatment/attitude towards me from the entire family and that owner. They would leave me empty display hooks for things that are out of stock on my desk without a word of communication. They would leave post it notes with “hey just to let you know x and x are out of stock”. But never ask me why or when we’re expecting restock. I don’t sense any good intention from all of these “reminders”. Money…

Working for a small retail company with 3 owners and 7 employees. 3 of the employees are in the same family and one of them is sleeping with one of the owners. I’m the longest serving employee.

I’m a one person purchasing department in charge of maintaining inventory levels of 15000+ SKUs, and the company makes me cover receiving too.

Ever since the relationship between the employee and the owner began I felt a change in treatment/attitude towards me from the entire family and that owner. They would leave me empty display hooks for things that are out of stock on my desk without a word of communication. They would leave post it notes with “hey just to let you know x and x are out of stock”. But never ask me why or when we’re expecting restock. I don’t sense any good intention from all of these “reminders”.

Money is always tight and we literally can’t stock tons of all 15k+ SKUs. Sometimes products are already on the way and would get here more or less just in time. Sometimes there are production delays and not everything is always available. But they make all of that seem like my incompetency.

One day this week I was doing receiving and went through 30 boxes on my own, half of the boxes are bigger than me. I was very tired at the end of the day, my hands had multiple cuts, and my nail was separating from my finger from digging tightly packed boxes. I left the last box unopened, as it was from a different supplier and there were no pre-ordered items in it, I figure I could do it the next day. Not a word of acknowledgement on the boxes I went through. All I got was “what’s the deal with this box? Why aren’t you going through it?” from one of the members of that family.

I left one of the “out of stock” notes with the restocked item. Like “hey now we have it”. Went to the washroom and came back to find the same note on my desk again as the owner and his lover were replenishing shelves (btw they always work together and do the same tasks, no matter now menial. They go to the washroom together too).

I was furious but also confused. I found their behaviour shitty and passive aggressive, but have I become passive aggressive too in the process?

I gave them my resignation in writing last week and the lovers&family have been mostly ignoring me except for nitpicking on my work (the box instance) and returning the note.

I don’t fucking know anymore.

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