
Dates Showing Up in a Background Check

My last job was in 2011, after which I became seriously ill and was forced to spend most of my time in bed. Now that I am feeling better, I need to find a part-time job that is based in an office since I am unable to perform physical labour. 1- If I fabricate a fake resume with recent inexistent jobs and experience, it will show up on the background check that my most recent position was in 2011 since dates show up in a Background Check, unless I am wrong? 2- If I come out clean and put on my resume my last job was in 2011 no recruiter will contact me. What should I do about my resume?

My last job was in 2011, after which I became seriously ill and was forced to spend most of my time in bed. Now that I am feeling better, I need to find a part-time job that is based in an office since I am unable to perform physical labour.

1- If I fabricate a fake resume with recent inexistent jobs and experience, it will show up on the background check that my most recent position was in 2011 since dates show up in a Background Check, unless I am wrong?

2- If I come out clean and put on my resume my last job was in 2011 no recruiter will contact me.

What should I do about my resume?

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