
How do I deal with coworkers who don’t read emails properly ?

My colleagues are terrible when it comes to reading and absorbing information in emails. I feel the standard of response is inappropriate and unprofessional. How do I deal with this (bearing in mind these are coworkers from different departments ? Please see example below. —- Email. Good morning, Just a reminder – we are being audited all next week and I am on annual leave from Tues-Thurs. Please could you ensure that someone is here during that time to supervise the auditor and to answer questions they may have (they may have questions around GDPR etc). Kind Regards. Response. Hi, As this relates to GDPR, I have passed this email on to Andrew. If you liaise with him and let him know when they'e coming, he should be able to help. Kind Regards, — NO – It doesn't JUST relate to GDPR MIKE. I've told you when they are coming…

My colleagues are terrible when it comes to reading and absorbing information in emails. I feel the standard of response is inappropriate and unprofessional. How do I deal with this (bearing in mind these are coworkers from different departments ?

Please see example below.



Good morning, Just a reminder – we are being audited all next week and I am on annual leave from Tues-Thurs. Please could you ensure that someone is here during that time to supervise the auditor and to answer questions they may have (they may have questions around GDPR etc). Kind Regards.


Hi, As this relates to GDPR, I have passed this email on to Andrew. If you liaise with him and let him know when they'e coming, he should be able to help. Kind Regards,

NO – It doesn't JUST relate to GDPR MIKE. I've told you when they are coming – i've literally explained everything you need. I am going to have to now write a follow up email clarifying that this is NOT just about GDPR – that you MAY have to be available too and you are just as qualified as I am to answer GDPR related queries. It's just a lazy response – all the details are there.

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