
Making moves behind the scenes is exhausting

Like many 20 somethings I live with my parents because I can't afford to move out. I work part time at a job that refuses me full-time hours because they're incredibly cheap and give me the runaround. I'm also only making 10.00 an hour and barely bringing home 500 every other week. My parents aren't understanding my need to bring in more money and tell me “income is income. Keep working hard!” In reality this job makes me think about breaking bones to get the fuck away from the toxic people and bullshit I put up with. It's frustrating because I can't just quit. I can't voice my opinions to my parents because then I'm met with “well get used to it, you cant quit when things are rough. Welcome to life.” I get all jobs have issues and there's never going to be a “perfect” job where I'm happy…

Like many 20 somethings I live with my parents because I can't afford to move out. I work part time at a job that refuses me full-time hours because they're incredibly cheap and give me the runaround. I'm also only making 10.00 an hour and barely bringing home 500 every other week. My parents aren't understanding my need to bring in more money and tell me “income is income. Keep working hard!” In reality this job makes me think about breaking bones to get the fuck away from the toxic people and bullshit I put up with.

It's frustrating because I can't just quit. I can't voice my opinions to my parents because then I'm met with “well get used to it, you cant quit when things are rough. Welcome to life.” I get all jobs have issues and there's never going to be a “perfect” job where I'm happy all the time, but the sheer fact I don't have support from my folks when I really need it isn't fair.

I wish I could be like “hey, this job isn't cutting it and I need more income to actually be independent. I'd rather have a job that's full-time so I'm trying to line something up before I leave my current.” But knowing my family it'd be an interrogation and nothing would be taken seriously.

So instead, I'm applying to a million places and praying I get interviews in secret and telling my family how happy I am to be working, when in reality I'd much rather be in a coma.

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