
Company Owner trying to do the best for his staff.

Hi everyone, my family has a small company (about 200 employees in a Latin American country) I’m the second generation and as my father before me we always try our best to give the most to our employees, our company minimum wage is 35% above the country minimum wage (only about a 15% has the minimum wage everybody else is beyond that), we have a in house doctor for our employees and his direct family (like wife and kids) and give them free medicine (almost all kind except the ones that has too much regulations) paying all these selling for recycling some of the waste that our company produces also when we’re on our low season the people on the factory works only to complete our scheduled production (sometime could be Monday to Thursday) and get the full week paid, during pandemic we took some bank loans (still paying them)…

Hi everyone, my family has a small company (about 200 employees in a Latin American country) I’m the second generation and as my father before me we always try our best to give the most to our employees, our company minimum wage is 35% above the country minimum wage (only about a 15% has the minimum wage everybody else is beyond that), we have a in house doctor for our employees and his direct family (like wife and kids) and give them free medicine (almost all kind except the ones that has too much regulations) paying all these selling for recycling some of the waste that our company produces also when we’re on our low season the people on the factory works only to complete our scheduled production (sometime could be Monday to Thursday) and get the full week paid, during pandemic we took some bank loans (still paying them) in order to keep our full staff and keeping the same wages (no wage cuts or laying off people). I’m writing this to give some context no to brat about what we do.

The main issue about this post is that i often read this sub Reddit trying to understand and anticipate to things that maybe we are doing wrong and making people uncomfortable in our company, all of this trying to be empathetic with our staff but some post I’ve seen makes me think that there must be a bigger story behind them, for example, company is not giving free coffee anymore and think that maybe some one is stealing the coffee and selling it or that they brewing it and not drinking or that the have a computer with so many restrictions when surfing the internet and think that maybe some one install some virus by mistake while watching some NSFW web page and company got some important information.

I believe we all must be empathetic with the other, encourage people to leave a bad company with a toxic environment looking for a place that cares about its work force, not encourage people to have a bad attitude and sabotage the company from inside or making them think that all companies are the same, some of us are trying to do the right thing looking for the best for the company and the people that works there but some people with some bad experiences in the past start working with us (i think other company owners can relate) and since day 1 are having a bad attitude breaking things just because and encouraging people to do the same.

Hope every one has an open mind about my post and believe that there are some companies that really cares about our staff and their families.

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