
I’m sorry for your diagnosis, when can you come in tho?

So my friend just got diagnosed with cancer. It’s stage 3 so they didn’t catch it early. After they got the news my friend had to call their boss and let them know they’ll be out of work for a while, and instead of asking like “hey are you okay?” or you know, just being a decent human being and giving them time to adjust to the news, the boss immediately went into “that sucks, keep me updated and let me know when you can come back ASAP.” Imagine getting news that you have cancer and your boss is just concerned about when you’re coming back to work, and this isn’t some like cushy desk job either, it’s a physically demanding housekeeping job. The last straw was their boss calling them again today asking if they want to work, my friend had to put their caseworker on the phone to…

So my friend just got diagnosed with cancer. It’s stage 3 so they didn’t catch it early. After they got the news my friend had to call their boss and let them know they’ll be out of work for a while, and instead of asking like “hey are you okay?” or you know, just being a decent human being and giving them time to adjust to the news, the boss immediately went into “that sucks, keep me updated and let me know when you can come back ASAP.” Imagine getting news that you have cancer and your boss is just concerned about when you’re coming back to work, and this isn’t some like cushy desk job either, it’s a physically demanding housekeeping job. The last straw was their boss calling them again today asking if they want to work, my friend had to put their caseworker on the phone to tell the dude no, they have appointments they need to go to, they literally have CANCER. imagine finding out one of your employees has stage 3 breast cancer and your only concern is when they’re gonna come in. welcome to capitalistic america y’all, i absolutely fucking hate it here.

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