
I got in trouble for being on time

I manage a team of 7 people. I usually come in early to have the schedule ready and send emails before the actual shift start. I do clock in and get paid etc, it's not like that. However today traffic slowed me down enough that I only clocked in 5 min before the shift started. It was no problem for my team, during the SOS meeting I delegated the main tasks and there was no problem. However an hour or so into my shift I got pulled aside by the sup to “touch base” She just grilled me for being late and reminded me of how difficult it is to start the day without having the schedule ready. I had to remind her I wasn't late, making the schedule early isn't a requirement, it's something I do as a courtesy to make the day easier for the team, and then…

I manage a team of 7 people. I usually come in early to have the schedule ready and send emails before the actual shift start. I do clock in and get paid etc, it's not like that. However today traffic slowed me down enough that I only clocked in 5 min before the shift started. It was no problem for my team, during the SOS meeting I delegated the main tasks and there was no problem.

However an hour or so into my shift I got pulled aside by the sup to “touch base” She just grilled me for being late and reminded me of how difficult it is to start the day without having the schedule ready. I had to remind her I wasn't late, making the schedule early isn't a requirement, it's something I do as a courtesy to make the day easier for the team, and then let her know I will stop doing it since it's so disruptive.

She tried to change gear and told me that I'm not in trouble she's just worried about me. I shrugged and said “I know I'm not in trouble.” We then sat in silence until she let me leave (my favorite thing to do to bosses btw)

So there it is, if you go above and beyond the MOMENT you don't your employer will be upset. Don't be afraid to stand your ground. Good news is I shared this with my team and they laughed. Love you guys.

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