
Does anyone else feel like the post pandemic worker “revolt” screwed the ones still at their old place of work?

In my state, unemployment is slightly lower than if you get an entry level job, just enough that if you tighten your budget, and sacrifice excess spending, your rent/ food/ insurance/ etc. is taken care of. I feel like this is a problem because since then, every place I’ve worked is severely understaffed, and I’m taking on the responsibilities of at least one other person at all times. Does anyone else see this in their workplace?

In my state, unemployment is slightly lower than if you get an entry level job, just enough that if you tighten your budget, and sacrifice excess spending, your rent/ food/ insurance/ etc. is taken care of.

I feel like this is a problem because since then, every place I’ve worked is severely understaffed, and I’m taking on the responsibilities of at least one other person at all times.

Does anyone else see this in their workplace?

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