
My new boss clearly hates me, and I believe they are trying to bully me out of the Job

I started a job at the beginning of the month, it’s a job in line with what I have been doing for the past 20+ years. I am supposed to be in a management position with as many as 8 direct reports. Currently I have not been assigned a team and I am not doing any management duties. I am actually doing a job that I hate, hoping that at some point I will be assigned a team. However, from just this months work I’m pretty sure that everyone who works at this company is completely miserable. Staff meetings where no one speaks and everyone looks like they would rather be literally anywhere else. My boss is the only one that speaks and it’s in a mean, I can’t believe I have to talk to you idiots, monotone. I got in trouble my first week because my mouse tracking software…

I started a job at the beginning of the month, it’s a job in line with what I have been doing for the past 20+ years. I am supposed to be in a management position with as many as 8 direct reports. Currently I have not been assigned a team and I am not doing any management duties. I am actually doing a job that I hate, hoping that at some point I will be assigned a team.

However, from just this months work I’m pretty sure that everyone who works at this company is completely miserable. Staff meetings where no one speaks and everyone looks like they would rather be literally anywhere else. My boss is the only one that speaks and it’s in a mean, I can’t believe I have to talk to you idiots, monotone. I got in trouble my first week because my mouse tracking software was not recording the minimum amount of daily activity… I guess watching training videos is a waste of time with them? I dunno. Then don’t send me a list of 2 hour videos to watch?

Anyway, I’m pretty sure I was hired against my bosses wishes, (I interviewed with 6 people) it seems they are having employee retention issues (no!!!?) and they hired me because my management style is on the line of compassion and understanding that this is just a job, making sure my employees aren’t overwhelmed and getting the help they need. All of my references are prior subordinates. That… uh does not seem to be in line with the company so far. I also do not believe that just because I am salary does not mean I am owned by the company and will work 12 hour days as the other two managers seem to do.

So far I have been disciplined twice, once in writing… during my first 15 days… not even doing the job I was hired for. At this point I am obviously looking for another job but I had high hopes for this place and I am sooo disappointed.

When I do give my resignation I will be sending it directly to HR and not this horrible person. Requesting a FedEx return label for my equipment and signing off for good. I don’t like to burn bridges but there is no way I am working here a minute longer when I have an out.

I guess that is the end of my rant. Anyone dealt with this kind of bullshit before?

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