
Work friends CAN be real friends.

I see on this sub all the time that work friends AREN'T real friends – I get that this is true a lot of the time, but a lot of the time it also isn't true. I met my wife in one office I worked in. I met my best man in another office. I hated both of those jobs, but they both changed my life. I'm as anti-work as the next person, I'm 36 and have about 5 years left in me before I go full Falling Down, but I just want to say that you can make real, meaningful connections in horrible places. FuckWork

I see on this sub all the time that work friends AREN'T real friends – I get that this is true a lot of the time, but a lot of the time it also isn't true.

I met my wife in one office I worked in. I met my best man in another office. I hated both of those jobs, but they both changed my life.

I'm as anti-work as the next person, I'm 36 and have about 5 years left in me before I go full Falling Down, but I just want to say that you can make real, meaningful connections in horrible places.


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