
I always wondered if I was in the wrong…

A few weeks ago I got aggressively sick. Throwing up non-stop for multiple days and had to go to urgent care kind of sick. When I did go, they advised I stay home to rest and rehydrate (along with other treatment of course.) The job I work is one of those “if no one is there the place falls apart,” kind of positions. And our team is super small, 4 people, one PRN (who is only available two days a week if we are lucky) and the manager. I did my part of texting everybody and asking for coverage. Everyone said they couldn't. So I sent the urgent care notice to my manager and asked their what I should do. Their reply was “Look I've been bed ridden for the past 2 days with the flu and I'm worried about this baby [pregnant]. You're going to need to work something…

A few weeks ago I got aggressively sick. Throwing up non-stop for multiple days and had to go to urgent care kind of sick. When I did go, they advised I stay home to rest and rehydrate (along with other treatment of course.)

The job I work is one of those “if no one is there the place falls apart,” kind of positions. And our team is super small, 4 people, one PRN (who is only available two days a week if we are lucky) and the manager.

I did my part of texting everybody and asking for coverage. Everyone said they couldn't. So I sent the urgent care notice to my manager and asked their what I should do. Their reply was “Look I've been bed ridden for the past 2 days with the flu and I'm worried about this baby [pregnant]. You're going to need to work something out and reach out to your coworkers personally to ask for coverage.”

Ever since then I've felt uneasy and don't feel like I can trust them with things anymore. It's been a few weeks now and I still feel like this. I'm just looking for discussion on what others thing about the situation.

Edit: I forgot to mention I DID end up going in for my shift. I went in for all of them. I never did get time to rest.

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