
Biggest move to be anti – work is to stop eating animals ..

Animals are the biggest underpaid social demographic in the planet and in america it is especially bad .. all our lives we are told that food is cheap and not worth growing ourselves because the market is artificially kept afloat by government subsidized slave flesh ..also in terms of how much land animals and their feed use it's 70 percent of all farmable land… they stole the land so they could monocrop corn and soy and feed it to cows and chickens which loose 98 percent of the calories fed to them in the form of heat.. understand you have been lied to and the greatest and easiest form of liberation is to go vegan and grow your own. This is a workers reveloution that can have action taken today!!

Animals are the biggest underpaid social demographic in the planet and in america it is especially bad .. all our lives we are told that food is cheap and not worth growing ourselves because the market is artificially kept afloat by government subsidized slave flesh ..also in terms of how much land animals and their feed use it's 70 percent of all farmable land… they stole the land so they could monocrop corn and soy and feed it to cows and chickens which loose 98 percent of the calories fed to them in the form of heat.. understand you have been lied to and the greatest and easiest form of liberation is to go vegan and grow your own. This is a workers reveloution that can have action taken today!!

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