
[need advice] serious false accusations at work, led to me being fired

I'll summarize as best as i can. Recently, our company data was deleted. I believe it was a hack, but that is not confirmed. I am not a part of management, but one of the few non-management people that had access to company data and logs on my computer. We use excel, and randomly one day everything was deleted. We would reset it to the last backup, and then almost instantly it was being deleted again. This went on all night. I explained to the boss I could revert it to the last save (previous day) but everything from the current day was gone. We did this, and then again – it kept being deleted on Microsoft Excel. Other excel sheets on our were also being randomly deleted. That night, a boss called me to the office around closing time – asking if I had 'X' excel sheet access…

I'll summarize as best as i can.

Recently, our company data was deleted. I believe it was a hack, but that is not confirmed.

I am not a part of management, but one of the few non-management people that had access to company data and logs on my computer. We use excel, and randomly one day everything was deleted. We would reset it to the last backup, and then almost instantly it was being deleted again.

This went on all night. I explained to the boss I could revert it to the last save (previous day) but everything from the current day was gone. We did this, and then again – it kept being deleted on Microsoft Excel. Other excel sheets on our were also being randomly deleted.

That night, a boss called me to the office around closing time – asking if I had 'X' excel sheet access on my computer. I explained “Yes, I do, and have for many months now since taking over 'X' person's computer.” This was no secret, as other management people knew I had this on my computer as well. I don't edit, delete, etc anything on it. I merely use it to my advantage to see how things are going to adjust my process at work to best benefit the company.

Long story short, I am called into the office and fired on the spot the following day. They said they pulled camera footage that 'showed me accessing 'X' excel sheets 'around the time things kept being deleted.' I, again, pled my innocence. I am fully aware that there are cameras around.. and i know for a hard fact I was not the one responsible for this going on. I tried bringing other things to management's attention, such as random foreign language being typed into the excel sheet after things kept being deleted. “I will end you” and things of that nature. I of course copied the random language into google and reverse searched it to see what it meant in English and pulled a management person over to show them.

So, I know I am not the one responsible. I know the camera footage would back this up if it were actually looked into, as you would see that I'm merely viewing the company data from time to time to adjust how I am approaching my current work for the following days. I am extremely disheartened and upset that I am being a scapegoat because the Room Manager basically is responsible for things like this NOT happening, but there 'must be some excuse' she can use so she doesn't get the blowback.

I was given NO termination paperwork. I texted the boss minutes after leaving stating I was going to need some official term paperwork – I still haven't received it. It has been 3 full business days since I was fired, later today will be 4. I am going in today to meet with management before work would normally start – and have suspicion they have realized I am not the one responsible for this. I know I am not because I truly did not, and would not, ever do such a thing.

What should my approach be? Should I demand an apology? What about the 3 full days of work I was forced to miss because of this? Aside from the data that was deleted, I did have music playing in the background of my headset which was shown on camera. I'm a great employee, my numbers are good, etc. I know I shouldn't have been doing it but I feel this would be their ammunition for any wrongdoing in place of the missing data since it cannot be proven because I AM INNOCENT.

Advice? Thoughts?

tl;dr – Company data was deleted over and over while we were at work. I tried to help company fix situation as it was happening. camera footage 'tied me to it,' which is false. I did not do it. I was fired and missed 3 full days of work. I am not being asked to come in and talk with management, suspecting I will be given my job back.

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