
So that is my story

here is the context, I worked in a grocery store. I was the guy who placed the milk and yogurts since September. this morning when I arrived I was told no we replaced you you will be in the grocery department from now on. since November 2022 that I no longer liked this job. it was the taste that had to overflow the camel I said to myself, fuck this I'm leaving. I signed the papers and left. I already have 2 other jobs since the beginning of June so it doesn't bother me at all to have left them. in addition the other 2 jobs the schedules are night and evening while the grocery store was during the day, so I literally didn't care, it made me feel good. I have the 2 jobs only to save money and go live wandering in April 2025. Im so tired of…

here is the context, I worked in a grocery store. I was the guy who placed the milk and yogurts since September. this morning when I arrived I was told no we replaced you you will be in the grocery department from now on. since November 2022 that I no longer liked this job. it was the taste that had to overflow the camel I said to myself, fuck this I'm leaving. I signed the papers and left. I already have 2 other jobs since the beginning of June so it doesn't bother me at all to have left them. in addition the other 2 jobs the schedules are night and evening while the grocery store was during the day, so I literally didn't care, it made me feel good. I have the 2 jobs only to save money and go live wandering in April 2025. Im so tired of this bullshit of rainbow life , life is just a fucking lie and will Nevers be good because of money

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