
Don’t always trust your managers

Just a quick one as I'm at work. You probably have all experienced this anyway. I'm working with two managers at the moment and I'm genuinely shocked at how massively incompetent they are. They are so busy struggling to do their job that they have no time to understand what their staff need or want. One of the managers employs a young mother who works Sunday, the mother wants Sunday off and I spoke to her manager about this and potentially bringing someone in to do Sunday. The managers response? I'm far too busy to go through the recruitment process. What a piece of shit. I just wanted to let people know (I wish I could've told my younger self this)

Just a quick one as I'm at work. You probably have all experienced this anyway. I'm working with two managers at the moment and I'm genuinely shocked at how massively incompetent they are. They are so busy struggling to do their job that they have no time to understand what their staff need or want.

One of the managers employs a young mother who works Sunday, the mother wants Sunday off and I spoke to her manager about this and potentially bringing someone in to do Sunday. The managers response? I'm far too busy to go through the recruitment process. What a piece of shit.

I just wanted to let people know (I wish I could've told my younger self this)

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