
Feeling guilty about wanting to quit my unpaid internship

This is my first post so I’m sorry if it’s breaking any rules! almost two months ago I started an unpaid internship in my city. There was not much information on it online so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The website said it was both remote and part time, neither of which are true. It’s usually 5 days a week, weekends required, and in various areas of my city or even out of state some days. We also are not usually given the plan for the day until the day of, which means I wake up super early anxiously in anticipation of what my boss will text me (if they even decide to). I also share a car with my family so it’s very hard to plan when all of the plans are last minute. They also frequently want me or my co workers to drive our boss around,…

This is my first post so I’m sorry if it’s breaking any rules! almost two months ago I started an unpaid internship in my city. There was not much information on it online so I wasn’t sure what to expect. The website said it was both remote and part time, neither of which are true. It’s usually 5 days a week, weekends required, and in various areas of my city or even out of state some days. We also are not usually given the plan for the day until the day of, which means I wake up super early anxiously in anticipation of what my boss will text me (if they even decide to). I also share a car with my family so it’s very hard to plan when all of the plans are last minute. They also frequently want me or my co workers to drive our boss around, which I don’t mind but we are never told in advance. While I have been learning a little bit about the industry that it’s in I am essentially doing minimum wage retail work full time. There is also nowhere we can store any kind of food, so we have to buy food from the cafeteria everyday so spending lots of money on food and gas to not get paid. I’ve been really stressed because I also have a lot going on in my personal life, and I also accepted another unpaid internship but it’s remote and for a large company and it seems that previous interns really enjoyed it and got a lot out of it. The days I would work this internship are my two off days for the other one, so I’ll be working 7 days a week unpaid. I would feel like I’m abandoning them if I quit, and leaving the other interns who I really care for and am friends with so much more work and stress. but I also am becoming extremely overwhelmed and also am really struggling without an income. I’ve applied to a TON of minimum wage jobs but have either gotten ghosted at the interview stage or turned away because they don’t want college students, so I’m not sure if I should keep at it just so I can at least be doing something productive and have more on my resume. I feel like I’m being over dramatic but the situation and lack of communication and planning has been heavily stressing me out.

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