
PPP loans need to be audited ASAP

Only a small handful of businesses used PPP loans as they were intended to. But let's face it, the majority of the companies pocketed PPP loans and are running on skeleton crews on purpose to avoid paying back on PPP loans. This is why no one else is hiring also. But student loans can't be forgiven? Such bullshit, PPP loans need to be investigated right now, and give them the same energy they gave to student loans

Only a small handful of businesses used PPP loans as they were intended to. But let's face it, the majority of the companies pocketed PPP loans and are running on skeleton crews on purpose to avoid paying back on PPP loans. This is why no one else is hiring also. But student loans can't be forgiven? Such bullshit, PPP loans need to be investigated right now, and give them the same energy they gave to student loans

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