
Wife’s manager wants a doctor’s note!?

Hello people of Reddit. I know that some of you may think that this is business as usual, but it really surprised me, and I wanted to get your take on it. My wife caught something (cold, flu, coVID, something like that) and then caught an ear infection. She has been working every day up to today. Last night, she covered someone’s shift even though she wasn’t feeling well, and she was coughing the whole time. Two assistant managers asked her if she was all right. One of the assistant managers told her to call in today if she wasn’t feeling all right for tonight’s shift. She called the store (i listened on the other line), and the general manger picked up the call. He was very rude, asked my wife to list her symptoms, and then asked her if she was going to the doctor, told her (sarcastically) that…

Hello people of Reddit. I know that some of you may think that this is business as usual, but it really surprised me, and I wanted to get your take on it.

My wife caught something (cold, flu, coVID, something like that) and then caught an ear infection.

She has been working every day up to today. Last night, she covered someone’s shift even though she wasn’t feeling well, and she was coughing the whole time. Two assistant managers asked her if she was all right. One of the assistant managers told her to call in today if she wasn’t feeling all right for tonight’s shift.

She called the store (i listened on the other line), and the general manger picked up the call. He was very rude, asked my wife to list her symptoms, and then asked her if she was going to the doctor, told her (sarcastically) that he loves when people call out sick without real illnesses, and said that she would need to bring a doctor’s note.

Is this normal? I was listening to the call and I couldn’t believe it. The fact that he would belittle her, question her symptoms, and ask for a doctor’s note is unfathomable to me.

Please advise.

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